

December 7, 2021

Fried Munggai or Kelo with Chicken | Munggai Goreng dengan Ayam

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :)

English version and one minute video below :)

Saw Moringa oleifera sold at the pets shop | Ternampak kacang kelor atau nama scientificnya Moringa oleifera dijual di kedai makanan haiwan

Maternal late grandmother used to cook this | Arwah Maktok sebelah emak pernah masak kacang ni

The awareness of benefits dan goodness of this vegetable, we couldn't resist to buy. Its not so easy to find it unless we are back in our hometown.

We got home and washed and cooked them in coconut milk. I fried chicken too to eat with them together.

If you have time, you can do a search on the nutrients from it. Even the leaves from the Munggai tree are also nutritious and full of vitamins and antioxidants. Hang on.. I look some info for you... it can boost imune system, cut down cholestrol etc. These are prominent needs.

I took a bit before but ate it full meal this time. The state of mind said its healthy, so I just went for it hehe..

Even Its sold online, everybody can taste it now :)

Happy Tuesday ❤️

Kesedaran tentang faedah dan kebaikan yang ada didalam kacang Kelor ini, kami tak teragak agak untuk membelinya. Tak mudah nak terjumpa dengannya melainkan kalau berada di kampung halaman. 

Setibanya dirumah, saya terus cuci dan masak Kelor tersebut dengan santan. Saya juga menggoreng ayam untuk dimakan bersama. 

Kalau ada masa, kalian boleh buat carian tentang kebaikan dan khasiat Kelor ini. Sampaikan daun daunnya pun berkhasiat penuh dengan vitamin dan antioksidan. Tunggu jap saya cari lagi maklumat...Kelor boleh menambah sistem immunisasi dan memotong tahap kolestrol dalam badan. Ni keperluan yang  ketara kan..

Dulu saya makan sedikit jer, tapi kali ni saya makan kesemuanya. Dalam minda makanan sihat, jadi saya perderas habis.. hehe

Sekarang dah boleh dapatkan nya online, semua boleh merasainya :) 

Salam Selasa ❤️


  1. Humm que delícia boa!! Obrigada:))
    Numa cor imaginária elevo meu coração
    Beijo e um excelente Dia!

  2. I was unaware that moringa is known as the tree of life for its excellent properties since its extracts could help treat some stomach disorders, such as constipation, gastritis and ulcerative colitis. Moringa's antibiotic and antibacterial properties can help inhibit the growth of various pathogens, and its high vitamin B content aids digestion.

  3. He odio muchas cosas sobre la moringa gracias por la recomendación

  4. Oh itu rupa2nya buah kelor.
    Selalu cuma dengar je.. org tua zaman dulu pakai susuk pantang makan kelor, susuk akan tanggal kot?. Hihi.

  5. That's something new for me. Have never tried this vegetable before. The stirfry looks super duper yummy.

  6. Biasa akk masak kari + udang kacang munggai ni.
    Khabarnya pucuk kacang munggai ni sedap digoreng tumis, belum pernah cuba so takleh komen :)

  7. Yes I have heard about the benefits of them but never eaten Moringa oleifera before. How does it taste?

  8. Your video is so refreshing to look at. The white clouds against the blue blue sky with the occasional green leaves! Soothing to the eyes! Thanks 👍👀

  9. Your meals always sound so delicious

  10. Cantik cuaca nampak cerah dengan langit membiru tu. Pertama kali dengar kacang Kelor. Rasa macam tak pernah tengok. Sekali pandang macam bendi pulak.

  11. dulu-dulu tak reti nak makan tapi ada sekali tu kawan india dia bagi makan masak kari....sedap. Tapi sebab tak biasa masak dan tak reti nak masak...jadi minta je kawan india masakan. hehehehe

  12. lamanya tak makan sayur munggai..selalunya masak lemak dgn udang..manis...

  13. seimbas nampak macam bendi. rasa macam pernah makan di kedai mamak

  14. Pernah makan. Emak buat masak kari ketika di kampung. Luar keras dalam lembut.
