

December 5, 2021

Mix Rice Kampung Baru | Nasi campur Kampung Baru

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :)

English version and a minute video below :)

We picked up parents to KL City |

Kami ambil bapa emak ke Kuala Lumpur

We stopped at sibling's home | Kami singgah di rumah adik beradik

We were thinking to please everyone with our current situation. We had no idea what to do but settle a place for them. 

I would like to stay longer but dad didn't want to stay. So we picked up, had something and sent them back.

Ok lunch was bought for us. Consists of:

Salad (Ulam) with Jering

Fish Curry

Scramble egg

Fried Cat fish

Roasted fish

Stir Fry Spinach


Chillies Paste but I hid it from parents because their tummy do not stand spicy, eventhough their tastebud want it badly. 

It was a good lunch, this is how we eat most of the time.  Sometimes upon arrival, I did my share and cooked something too here. 

Happy Sunday ❤️

Kami memikirkan untuk membahagiakan bapa dan emak dalam situasi semasa ini. Kami pun tak da fikiran bernas pun apa nak buat tapi nak pergi satu tempat dan duduk sekejap atau lama. 

Saya lebih suka lepak lama tapi bapa fikirkan hendak balik saja. Jadi kami ambil, buat sesuatu macam makan dan hantar balik. 

Ok makanan tengahari disediakan: Ia terdiri dari :-

Ulam termasuk Jering


Kari Ikan

Telur Dadar

Bayam goreng

Ikan Keli

Ikan Bakar

Sambal dan air asam saya sembunyikan kerana perut mereka dah tak boleh tahan pedas, walaupun citarasa mereka tetap nak makan. 

Makanan tengahari yang sangat enak, beginilah makan tengahari kami sepatutnya dan selalu. 

Kadang saya sampai, dan tolong masak juga sikit. 

Salam Ahad ❤️

View from the condo


  1. Lindo árbol te mando un beso

  2. orang tua begitulah. nak berjalan-jalan tapi sekejap saja dah letih. kenalah pandaipandai ikut rentak

  3. Hope that you enjoy some family time with your parents! The meal looks healthful and yummy.

  4. Que pases un lindo Domingo en familia. Saludos.

  5. Ikut rentak ibubapa. Hehe makan pun kena pantang.

  6. Wah, your siblings live in klcc condo with a view of suria klcc? Very nice! I love your video of the journey with two rows of green trees moving on each side of the car. The Elderlies are also like your parents, their tummies cannot stand spicy chili paste. Good that you bring your parents to Jalan Jalan kl city.

  7. Good morning, nice view of the pretty Christmas tree.
    I love veggies and fish so I your meal sounds delicious-I am hungry now-smiles

  8. Maravilhosa publicação delicia!! :))
    "A vida é uma peça de teatro"...
    Beijo e um excelente Domingo

  9. Good that you bring your parents to go kl city center. Spend time together bonding. And also meet up with your siblings. Your siblings condo can see klcc suria giant Xmas tree, so nice!

  10. alhamdulillah
    beruntung masih ada keduanya
    dqn dpt buat apa2 saja utk kebahagiannya
    itulahh yg

  11. Uma refeiç~~ao saudavem e muito saborosa.
    Obrigada pela partilha!

    Um abraço e feliz semana.

  12. Ulam-ulaman tu bestnya! Apa yg penting, a well spent Sunday untuk babypose dan keluarga :)

  13. we eat rice several times in a week...

    your dish looks so delicious... yummy....

  14. The goodies on the table.
    The view from the window on the Christmas tree is nice.

  15. Seronok dapat berkunjung ke rumah adik beradik. hidangan pun menyelerakan. Ada ulam dan sambal. Kadang kesian jugak bila terpaksa kedekut pasal makanan ni. Tapi untuk kebaikan terpaksalah disorokkan.

  16. Membahagiakan kedua ibu bapa adalah satu kebahagiaan hakiki. Tapi baisa le orang tua nak berjalan tapi tak larat. Semuga Allah lindungi kedua ibubapa babypose

  17. waduh menu makanan memang sedap tu air asam aduhaiiii kecur layan dgn ikan bakar
