

December 8, 2021

Banana Leaf Coconut Rice and Sweet Sago Cake at Bangsar Village

Nasi Lemak Daun Pisang dan Kueh Sagu di Bangsar Village

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :)

English version and one minute video below :)

On the way to Bangsar saw a building name Damansara Intan that looked like the Budapest Hotel in a movie the Grand Budapest Hotel (Nice Movie). | 

Semasa dalam perjalanan ke Bangsar ternampak bangunan Damansara Intan seakan hotel Budapest dalam filem The Grand Budapest Hotel (Menarik jalan ceritanya) 

Before turning tu commercial centre of Bangsar saw a new building like a finger 'One Malaysia' that become heated news recently. 

Sebelum pusing masuk ke pusat kommersial Bangsar ternampak bangunan seakan jari 'Satu Malaysia' yang menjadi berita panas baru baru ni. 

Parked the car, we walked in to the entrance, show our certs (I asked him to show me the officer certs also hehe.. and scan temperature and scan check in code. 

Took the escalator saw a booth selling kueh and banana leaf packed coconut rice and red Sago in the Mall. I didn't take a video (sighed). 

We walked for a mission to find something here, while walking I filmed the festives sales there. Love festives decoration, moment but mixed feeling arise as the year is going to end and new chapter is just around the corner. 

Come new year, it will be a new journey for me to do kids study journey and some food journal for them.  It is still in planning, not sure yet hehe.. 

Heading out we stopped by to buy nasi lemak (fat rice in banana leaf and kueh sago) and have to eat them in the car as our mission did not ended yet. 

Happy Wednesday ❤️

Berhenti kereta di parkir, jalan masuk di pintu masuk, tunjuk sijil kepada Pegawal di situ. Saya pun minta pegawal tu tunjuk sijilnya kepada saya hehe..and imbas suhu badan dan QR code. 

Ambil tangga elektrik ternampak kiosk jual kueh dan nasi lemak daun pisang di dalam Mall. I tak ambil video la pulah aihh.. 

Terus jalan demi misi mencari benda penting, semasa bergerak tu sempat merakam video suasana perayaan hujung tahun, jualan perayaan. Suka dekor-dekornya, bercampur perasaan sayu juga, tahun ini sudah sampai di penghujung dan permulaan bab baru bakal tiba. 

Tahun baharu, bermulalah perjalanan hidup baru untuk saya hendak buat jurnal pembelajaran dan makanan untuk anak-anak. Masih dalam perancangan tak pasti lagi hehe.. 

Masa langkah keluar, kami berhenti beli nasi lemak bersama kueh sagu dan makan di dalam kereta saja, sebab misi belum berakhir lagi. 

Salam Rabu ❤️


  1. Muito bom. Adorei a publicação :))
    Quantas vezes subo os degraus da minha alma
    Um excelente feriado a todos.

  2. Anything with coconut has got to be delicious. Sign me up :-)

  3. Thanks for the video of the mall decorations. I haven't watched that grand Budapest hotel movie yet. Heard that it is nice. Red sago kuih is one of my favourite kuih, especially one that is one that is very soft.

  4. wow, coconut rice likes good.
    So beauty, the eyes are firt that eat :)
    I wish you a wonderful day sweet

  5. Cantik decor bila tiba musim perayaan. Nikmat dapat nasi lemak daun pisang. Kuih sagu tu sedap. Suka jugak makan :)

  6. saya pun suka filem The Grand Budapest Hotel. Eh..tu Bangsar Village ke BSC? Lama tak ke sana sejak work from home

  7. y nunca he probado arroz con coco se ve muy rico. Te mando un beso

  8. Cantik decor, sekali pandang macam di overseas :)

  9. kuih sagu kesukaann
    memang kalau jumpa beli

  10. lama tk mkn kuih sagu tu..fav juga

  11. Suka sagu gula Melaka. Tidak suka warna merah.

  12. Suka nasi lemask dalam daun pisang. Tapi sekarang tak semestinya sedap.
