
July 10, 2024

Cream cheese puff

Puff Krim Cheese

                         Mini video

I saw summer treats on youtube, I will try making it from semi scratch. Got kawan pastry. Strip out four pieces

Place the pastry strips on the tray. Set oven 200C, heat up first. I was not organised, so found the cookie cutter, chopped in the middle slighty, not till fully cut.  

Egg was still in the fridge, took it out. Washed it, poked the shell, mixed it, use brush to eggwash the pastries top. 

Then lift the tray filled with pastry to the oven set 30 mns to turn it to puffs. 

Got ready with cream cheese, by right buy Philadephia cheese but found similar and cheaper brand Beqa. 

Cut into two, coz worried of wasting ingredients. Tried half first. 

Yet wanted to cut grapes, I didn't find strawberries coz went to a small grocer nearby. If I found it so, knew it'll be expensive. So my luck and delighted with grapes. Cut em half, munch size hehe.. . 

Back to whisk the cheese, saw they put sugar more than 2 tbsp, I decided to add only 2 tbsp but not full. Sadly the volume not big. Enough for 4 puffs

30 min pass, the puff browned and crisp well. Let it cool, traced the cut and pressed in the middle.  

Scoop the cheese and spread in the midde, put grapes on, snow it with icing sugar.  

Ready to have it with a cup of green tea.  As an option, cream cheese on a toasted bread is as good 😊

Love ❤️

Tengok makanan musim panas  di youtube. Nak cuba buat sendiri dari mula tapi tak sepenuhnya. Ada pastri jenama kawan. Ambil 4 keping 

Letak kepingan pastry atas loyang. Set ketuhar 200°C, panaskan oven dulu. Saya tak bersedia pun, jumpa pemotong biskut, guna tu untuk tekap atas pastri, separuh dalam jangan sampai terputus.

Telur masih dalam peti sejuk, ambil keluar, pecahkan cekerangnya, pukul telur, guna berus untuk sapu atas pastri.

Kemudian angkat loyang yang ada pastri ke ketuhar, masukkannya, set selama 30 min hingga jadi puff. 

Nak siapkan krim cheese patut beli jenama Philadelphia tapi jumpa macam sama dan lebih murah iaitu Beqa. Potong separuh, sebab risau membazir bahan. Cuba separuh dulu.

Giliran anggur untuk dipotong, tak nampak stoberi sebab pergi ke grocer berdekatan. Kalau jumpa pun, tentu lebih mahal. Nasib dah suka dengan anggur. Belah dua, saiz senang kunyah hehe.

Berbalik ke pukul cheese hingga gebu, lihat depa buh lebih 2 sb gula, saya ingat nak buh 2 sb tapi tak penuh. Sedih pula lihat cheese tak kembang banyak. Cukup untuk 4 puff. 

30 min berlalu, puff pun dah nampak gelap garing cantik. Biar sejuk, cari garis potongan  dan tekan tengah² nya.

Ceduk cheese dan sapu di tengah, buh buah anggur di atas, tabur gula aising ala salju gitu.

Sedia untuk dinikmati dengan secawan teh hijau.  Sebagai option cepat,  krim cheese atas roti bakar pun sama sedap 😊 

Sayang ❤️

July 9, 2024

NSK Grocery | Fish Head Curry | Fried Kuey Teow | Eggplants Sambal

Belanja dapur di NSK |Kari Kepala Ikan | Sambal Terung

                  A mini sequence          video / video ikut turutan

Did grocery at NSK, which has a huge wet market concept inside a mall. Bought fish head cuttings, cockles, flat mee for cooking at breaking fast time. 

Arrived home, keep the groceries items, and cooked rice. Cut the ingredients for cooking, and a bit of washing. 

Cooked red fish head curry, sauteed and poured in cooked gravy. 

Again sauteed chili paste for the grilled eggplant topping. 

Once again browning some ingredients for flat mee.

Put grilled eggplants on plates, top with chilli paste. 

Transfer the  kuey teow dish from pan to bowl, coz fish head pot is already on the table, cramped for 4 paxs, 

Already two meals served together due to fasting consequences hehe, the meals were rice and fish curry and fried kueyteow bowls. Chaos. 

Grateful anyways ♥️

Belanja barang dapur di NSK. Beli kepala ikan, kerang, kuey teow untuk dimasak waktu berbuka.

Sampai rumah, simpan barang dapur, masak nasi, memotong bahan untuk masak dan sedikit membasuh.

Masak kari kepala ikan merah tumis darat.

Menumis pula sambal untuk terung, terung hanya dibakar.

Sekali lagi menumis untuk menggoreng kuey teow.

Letak terung rebus, buh sambal atasnya.

Alih kuey teow dari belanga ke  mangkuk, sebab belanga kepala ikan dah atas meja, sarat untuk 4 orang semeja kecil. 

Dah la dua hidangan untuk sorang, nasi kari dan kuey teow dalam mangkuk, sebab puasa semua nak makan. Haru :)

Syukur Alhamdulillah macamanapun ❤️

July 8, 2024

Stuffed Bread Mac & Cheese

(bite size) Roti inti mac & cheese 

Mac & Cheese is someone's favorite meal. So we came up to make it easy to grab and bite. Yes adik did it this. Coz we have leftover bread, fill up with mac & cheese in it and fry em. If it permints can freeze and have it em whenever. 

                   Non detail video:) 

Stuffed bread Mac & Cheese 

1 pack of Macaroni (to boil) 

1 bowl of minced chicken

3 tsp chopped onions

1 tb butter

1 can of prego

1 cup of water

Gardenia Bread 


Melt the butter in the pan. Add all the ingredients except pasta and bread. Then add cheese prego and water. 

When its getting creamy and yummy. Mix with macaroni.

Cut the bread square into 4. But adik did it round. (not adviseable as its waste on the corner). 

Put 1 tsp on the bread, cover with another slice, seal with flour mix water. Then fry atau airfry. 

All finished, not a chance to freeze. Adik rewarded herself:) 


One heart, one love ♥️

Mac & Cheese memang makanan kegemaran seseorang tu. Jadi teringin nak buat makanan sejuk beku. Ya si adik buatkan. Ada lebihan roti, isi mac&cheese di dalam dan goreng, kalau sempat boleh sejuk beku dan goreng bila lapar.

Resepi Roti inti Mac & Cheese


1 bungkus pasta macaroni (direbus) 

1 sb mentega

1 mangkuk kecil ayam cincang

1 tin cheese prego

1 cawan air

Roti gardenia


Cairkan mentega dalam periuk. Masuk bahan di atas kecual roti dan pasta macaroni. Masuk cheese dan air. 

Nampak pekat sedap. Angkat. Gaul rata mac dan cheese.

Roti gardenia sekeping di potong empat tapi adik buat bulat (kurang praktikal ada lebihan, sayang!) 

Sesudu mac n cheese letak atas roti. Terlengkup pula roti lain, lekat tepi dengan bancuhan tepung. Goreng atau airfry. 

Itulah habis semua, tak sempat sejuk beku pun. Adik beri ganjaran diri sendiri :) 

Satu hati, satu cinta❤️

July 6, 2024

Fucuk Soup

 Sup Fucuk

Fucuk is made out of soy bean extract and goes through steaming process, before sizing and fried. It is commonly found in noodle cuisine as a side dish. Ingredient: Soy Bean, Salt, Edible Palm Oil. - Google

Let's cooking

Fucuk Soup

*3 onions

*1 inch ginger

*3 garlic

*Anchovies 1 tbs

Suun (soak in the water)

Fucuk (soak in the water)

Dried mushroom (soak in the water)

3 cups of water

Cooking oil 2 tbs

Salt to taste 


Heat up the oil, fry the anchovies until crisp. Then, sauteed the starred ingredients whether its sliced or blend

After aroma spreads, add 1 cup of water, add fucuk, suun and mushroom to absorb the sauteed ingredients. Add salt to taste. 

Then, pour the rest of water. Let it simmer,. Serve with hot rice. 

I rarely cook this. But my daughter loves it, So later she could cook it base on this  recipe 😊

Love always ❤️

Fucuk di buat dari ekstrak kacang soya dan melalui proses mengukus sebelum di potong dan goreng. Biasa dijumpai di dalam sup berbagai mee sebagai makanan sampingan. 

Jom memasak

*3 ulas bawang putih

*Halia seinci

*Bawang kecik 3 biji

*Ikan bilis  1 sb

Suun di rendam

Fucuk di rendam

Cendawan kering di rendam

3 cawan air

Minyak 2 sb

Garam secukup rasa


Panas minyak, goreng ikan bilis sehingga garing. Tumis bahan kisar atau di hiris hingga naik bau aromanya. 

Tambahkan 1 cawan air. 

Masuk suun dan fucuk hingga meresap dan sebati tumisan tu.

Tambahkan garam secukup rasa.

Masuk air selebihnya dan biar hingga mereneh. Siap

Hidangkan dengan nasi panas. 

Jarang buat masakan ni, tapi adik anak dara suka, jadi nanti akan suruh dia masak pula:) 

Sayang selalu ❤️

July 5, 2024

Piranha in Aquaria

Piranha di Aquaria  

                  Ocean Trip video 

We're delighted with brother and his friend's plan and told our kids about it. On the day, we dressed up for the fun day in Aquaria KLCC. 

Woke up early, was a bit skeptical coz brother who just came back from the states, earlier hesitates as he came to knew it was school holiday week here in Malaysia. 

Luck was our side, get ready, and drove to pick them up. Arrived there early.

Tips to feel easy at this tourist attraction. 

    1. Go as early as possible

    2. Parking conveniently at KLCC

    3. Walk through the tunnel to Aquaria

    4. Fill the tummy first as can't eat inside

    5. Bring IC or passport. 

    6. Tiket price varies RM52 ++

We were intriqued with the Piranhas that welcomed us. Yes, it was placed at the entrance. 

Pira means fish, sainha mean tooth. But saw like canine, all of it. Also meaning is biting fish, that's the thrill of predatory omnivor. Which mean they eat plant based and meat. 

Piranhas are known aggresively to tear apart human body  in seconds. Yeah! in seconds, believe it or not 😨, we saw it live and many, not checking the strength of the aquarium that protect us. Careless, yet trusting the Aquaria authorities on that. 

Another creature was the lobster, right after the piranha on the right.

This creature has smart brain I heard, and check it out it is true, it is a smart animal with feelings, carry their young 9 months, and has blue blood like spider. 

Amazing trip we had, we very much love and thanks to brother and his friend. We'll do more :)) and yet more fish to explore..  

Admidst walking out, we saw Kenny Rogers restaurant, we had roasted chicken for lunch. 

Peace and joy to you. Give gratitude always ❤️

Kami teruja dengan rencana adik dan kawannya untuk bawa anak² ke Aquaria. Tiba hari yang dijanjikan kami bersiap untuk keriangan di Aquaria KLCC. 

Bangun awal, tapi rasa skeptikal sikit sebab adik yang balik bercuti dari USA mengeluh awalnya sebab baru tahu yang minggu tu minggu cuti sekolah di sini. 

Nasib menyebelahi kami, Bersiap siap, dan pandu terus ambil mereka. Sampai awal pagi kami di sana. 

Tip nak rasa selesa di tempat tumpuan pelancong ini. 

1 Pergi seawal mungkin

2 Letak kereta di KLCC

3 menapak melalui terowong ke Aquaria

4 Isi perut dulu, kerana tidak dibenarkan makan di dalam

5 Bawa I/C atau passport

6 Harga tiket anggaran RM52 ++

Kami terlalu terpersona dengan Piranha yang menyambut kami. Ya, tangkinya berada di depan pintu masuk. Bergambar, berborak sesambil lihat mulut ikan bergerak. 

Pira bermaksud ikan manakala nha tu dari bahasa Tupi bermaksud gigi. Tapi taring kesemuanya yang saya perasan hehe.. Juga ia bermaksud ikan mengigit, itulah yang mengujakan, pemangsa yang omnivor, makan berasas tumbuhan dan daging.

Juga ia terkenal dengan mengoyak daging dalam beberapa saat ja, percaya atau tidak 😨. Dah lihat dekat hidup², tanpa periksa cermin aquarium tu kuat ke tak, lalainya kan. Tapi yakin dengan pihak Aquaria lebih arif. 

Makhluk didepan kanan tu udang galah. 

Makhluk yang bijak dan berperasaan saya dengar, dah check tadi betul, ia juga membawa telur selama 9 bulan dan berdarah biru macam labah-labah. 

Menakjubkan lawatan kami, berbanyak terima kasih dan sayang buat adik dan kawan. Kami suka :)) dan ada lagi ikan nak di kaji nanti...

Keluar dari Aquaria, ternampak restoran Kenny Roger, kami pun pekena ayam panggang untuk makan tengahari. 

Tenang  &  bersyukur selalu ❤️

July 3, 2024

Shrimp Tumeric Coconut Gravy Budget Recipe

Masak Lemak Udang Budget | | Shrimp Tumeric Coconut Gravy Budget Recipe 

                   Mini cooking video

It takes determination to have dishes on the table, persistent and sincere for it to appear :) 

🦐6 shrimps

3 onions*

3 garlics*

1 lemon grass*

2 tb minyak*

1 pack of brahim's  Coconut tumeric paste (if prefer making it, the recipe is below) 

1 cup of water


🍳Heat up cooking oil, sautee the starred ingredients til aroma spreads

Add Ibrahim Paste (or make it from scratch, 1 inch tumeric, 1inch ginger, 1 onion, 3-5 chillies, 1 tb anchovies (blend all, add tamarind during cooking) 

1 box of coconut milk but I use water (saving option) 

Lastly add shrimps, let em cook slight (miss foodcourt style) 

This dish, I served with okra dried shrimps which I put on the rice, got ginger chicken as one of us still eats water pale gravy. Fried tofu, all this for breaking the fast. The appearance of dates are the indication πŸ˜…

Happy greetings, always give gratitude to yourself the pure and clean you, importantly you have yourself❤️

Dengan ada semangat untuk menghidangkan makanan atas meja, penuh kegigihan dan keikhlasan  untuk ia menjelma :)

Udang Masak Lemak

🦐6 ekor udang

3 bawang besar*

3 bawang putih*

1 batang serai*

2 sb minyak*

Sepeket pes masak lemak jenama Brahim's (untuk buat pes sendiri, resepi di bawah) 

Secawan air


Panaskan minyak, tumis bahan bertanda bintang hingga beraroma

Masukkan pes masak lemak (atau buat sendiri seinci kunyit hidup, seinci halia, sebiji bawang, 3-5 biji cili, 1 sb ikan bilis, semua di kisar tambah 1 asam keping semasa menumis) 

Sekotak santan (dikacau untuk elak pecah minyak) tapi pes brahim saya cuma tambah air ( option jimat) 

Akhir sekali udang, biar ala2 masak. (rindu gaya foodcourt)

Hidangan ini dipadankan dengan bendi tumis udang kering yg terus letak atas nasi, ada ayam halia juga kerana seorang tu makan putih² lagi. Tauhu goreng ada juga, semua ni untuk berbuka sebab ada buah kurma sebagai indikasinya.πŸ˜… 

Salam bahagia, sentiasa bersyukur dengan diri yang tulen dan bersih, yang penting ada diri ini❤️


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