
Showing posts with label one heart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label one heart. Show all posts

July 10, 2024

Cream cheese puff

Puff Krim Cheese

                         Mini video

I saw summer treats on youtube, I will try making it from semi scratch. Got kawan pastry. Strip out four pieces

Place the pastry strips on the tray. Set oven 200C, heat up first. I was not organised, so found the cookie cutter, chopped in the middle slighty, not till fully cut.  

Egg was still in the fridge, took it out. Washed it, poked the shell, mixed it, use brush to eggwash the pastries top. 

Then lift the tray filled with pastry to the oven set 30 mns to turn it to puffs. 

Got ready with cream cheese, by right buy Philadephia cheese but found similar and cheaper brand Beqa. 

Cut into two, coz worried of wasting ingredients. Tried half first. 

Yet wanted to cut grapes, I didn't find strawberries coz went to a small grocer nearby. If I found it so, knew it'll be expensive. So my luck and delighted with grapes. Cut em half, munch size hehe.. . 

Back to whisk the cheese, saw they put sugar more than 2 tbsp, I decided to add only 2 tbsp but not full. Sadly the volume not big. Enough for 4 puffs

30 min pass, the puff browned and crisp well. Let it cool, traced the cut and pressed in the middle.  

Scoop the cheese and spread in the midde, put grapes on, snow it with icing sugar.  

Ready to have it with a cup of green tea.  As an option, cream cheese on a toasted bread is as good 😊

Love ❤️

Tengok makanan musim panas  di youtube. Nak cuba buat sendiri dari mula tapi tak sepenuhnya. Ada pastri jenama kawan. Ambil 4 keping 

Letak kepingan pastry atas loyang. Set ketuhar 200°C, panaskan oven dulu. Saya tak bersedia pun, jumpa pemotong biskut, guna tu untuk tekap atas pastri, separuh dalam jangan sampai terputus.

Telur masih dalam peti sejuk, ambil keluar, pecahkan cekerangnya, pukul telur, guna berus untuk sapu atas pastri.

Kemudian angkat loyang yang ada pastri ke ketuhar, masukkannya, set selama 30 min hingga jadi puff. 

Nak siapkan krim cheese patut beli jenama Philadelphia tapi jumpa macam sama dan lebih murah iaitu Beqa. Potong separuh, sebab risau membazir bahan. Cuba separuh dulu.

Giliran anggur untuk dipotong, tak nampak stoberi sebab pergi ke grocer berdekatan. Kalau jumpa pun, tentu lebih mahal. Nasib dah suka dengan anggur. Belah dua, saiz senang kunyah hehe.

Berbalik ke pukul cheese hingga gebu, lihat depa buh lebih 2 sb gula, saya ingat nak buh 2 sb tapi tak penuh. Sedih pula lihat cheese tak kembang banyak. Cukup untuk 4 puff. 

30 min berlalu, puff pun dah nampak gelap garing cantik. Biar sejuk, cari garis potongan  dan tekan tengah² nya.

Ceduk cheese dan sapu di tengah, buh buah anggur di atas, tabur gula aising ala salju gitu.

Sedia untuk dinikmati dengan secawan teh hijau.  Sebagai option cepat,  krim cheese atas roti bakar pun sama sedap 😊 

Sayang ❤️

July 8, 2024

Stuffed Bread Mac & Cheese

(bite size) Roti inti mac & cheese 

Mac & Cheese is someone's favorite meal. So we came up to make it easy to grab and bite. Yes adik did it this. Coz we have leftover bread, fill up with mac & cheese in it and fry em. If it permints can freeze and have it em whenever. 

                   Non detail video:) 

Stuffed bread Mac & Cheese 

1 pack of Macaroni (to boil) 

1 bowl of minced chicken

3 tsp chopped onions

1 tb butter

1 can of prego

1 cup of water

Gardenia Bread 


Melt the butter in the pan. Add all the ingredients except pasta and bread. Then add cheese prego and water. 

When its getting creamy and yummy. Mix with macaroni.

Cut the bread square into 4. But adik did it round. (not adviseable as its waste on the corner). 

Put 1 tsp on the bread, cover with another slice, seal with flour mix water. Then fry atau airfry. 

All finished, not a chance to freeze. Adik rewarded herself:) 


One heart, one love ♥️

Mac & Cheese memang makanan kegemaran seseorang tu. Jadi teringin nak buat makanan sejuk beku. Ya si adik buatkan. Ada lebihan roti, isi mac&cheese di dalam dan goreng, kalau sempat boleh sejuk beku dan goreng bila lapar.

Resepi Roti inti Mac & Cheese


1 bungkus pasta macaroni (direbus) 

1 sb mentega

1 mangkuk kecil ayam cincang

1 tin cheese prego

1 cawan air

Roti gardenia


Cairkan mentega dalam periuk. Masuk bahan di atas kecual roti dan pasta macaroni. Masuk cheese dan air. 

Nampak pekat sedap. Angkat. Gaul rata mac dan cheese.

Roti gardenia sekeping di potong empat tapi adik buat bulat (kurang praktikal ada lebihan, sayang!) 

Sesudu mac n cheese letak atas roti. Terlengkup pula roti lain, lekat tepi dengan bancuhan tepung. Goreng atau airfry. 

Itulah habis semua, tak sempat sejuk beku pun. Adik beri ganjaran diri sendiri :) 

Satu hati, satu cinta❤️


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