

October 23, 2021

Mini Quiche | Mini Tat Berlauk / Bersayur

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :)

English version and one minute video below :)

The day of eating eggs's turn | Hari untuk menikmati telur telah tiba

Intrigued to eat something like omelet | Tercetus hendak menikmati ala telur dadar

Just realised that there were frozen pie crust in the freezer. Took them out and let them defrost.  

The rotation of egg menu; I combined two eggs in the mini quiche. There were only five frozen crusts. I planned to make oats, butter and honey crust as I figured 5 crusts were not enough for tummy and the mixture would left a lot as the size crust was small. 

Quiche mix and ingredients

    1. Two eggs

    2. Quarter of Capsicum diced

    3. One of tomatoes diced

    4. Quarter can of Ideal milk as              we don't have whip cream,                Less  is better as I made,                      turned  out watery. 

    5.  2 inch of Cheese

    6.  Mushroom sliced

    7. Shrimps as I had from kids                leftover they don't eat shrimps

All vege or cheese were cut into small cube size.  Milk and eggs were mixed together and poured into individual crust cup. 

Baked in the oven 20 minutes at 180°C. Amazing and quite filling food. 

That's the food trial and error journal of the day :) 

Happy weekend❤️

Terperasan yang kelonsong pastri sejuk beku ada di dalam peti ais. Keluarkan dan biar ia nyahbeku.

Pusingan untuk makan telur telah tiba, ingin guna dua biji telur untuk sajian kali ini, iaitu quiche mini.

Ada pastri cuma 5 biji, saya rancang, buat kelongsong tambahan iatu dengan oats, mentega dan madu.

Campuran Quiche dan bahannya:

 1. 2 biji telur

 2. Suku capsicum didadu

 3. Sebiji tomato didadu

 4. Suku tin susu ideal

 5. 2 inci keju 

 6. Cendawan.

 7.Lebih udang dari abang adik     yang   disejukbekukan

Dapat rasa yang 5 pastri tak mencukupi untuk mengenyangkan perut dan campuran telur dan susu juga berlebihan, tiada pastri untuk ditakung pula. Kasihan hehe. 😋

Semua sayuran dipotong dadu. Susu dan telur dicampur dan dituang di dalam setiap pastri. 

Bakar dalam ketuhar bersuhu 180°C selama 20 minit. MashaAllah. Makanan yang sedap dan mengenyangkan. 

Itulah jurnal makan dengan penyediaan cara cuba dan ada silapnya untuk hari ini. :) 

Salam berhujung minggu❤️


  1. We adore savoury tarts. These look fantastic and would make a perfect weekend breakfast :-)

  2. sound delicious, and love those dishes-Happy weekend

  3. Sedapnya ❤️ Cantik rupa bentuk star tu

  4. saya suka quiche. kalau letak bayam dan cendawan, tak ada protein pun tak apa

  5. sedap & mengenyangkan..

  6. Good dish looks very good, would accept it now for breakfast! I wish you a happy weekend with lots of peace. A hug

  7. Uma boa receita! :))
    Tento esquecer de quem não me merece
    Beijos e um excelente fim de semana!

  8. Looks delicious, thanks for sharing.
    Have a nice weekend

  9. Me encanta el quiche así que la haré. Gracias por la receta. Te mando un beso

  10. Deliciosa receta. Saludos a la distancia.

  11. Tidak pernah cuba buat quiche. Hehe. Kulit tart itu beli di mana?

    1. Beli di kedai bakery. Terima kasih dear sis NA :)

  12. I love to eat quiches. Mini ones look so easy to eat. You are so creative and diligent to make these mini quiches for your family. So tasty! 😋

  13. nampk. sedapp
    x penah mkn. dan buat jga
    tp selalu tgk resepi
    rasa nk cuba pula next

  14. Walaupun tak pernah makan tapi makanan macam ni sedap dan mengenyangkan.
