

October 24, 2021

Kraft Cheese | Keju Kraft

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :)

English version and one minute video below :)

Orange, apple, dried apricot and figs | Oren, epal, apricot kering dan buah tin

Still searched for dairy or some fish or eggs | Masih mencari bahan tenusu, ikan atau telur

I almost surrendered from having the salad and grab two slices of bread instead. Yet, I remembered some said that if salad filled one small saucer, it would be enough. 

So I tried to fill the small plate first. The salad could not last even in the fridge, so it's better to fix it to something and consume. 

These salad consisted of rocket leaves that I like. I had no idea what else to make it filling but just add one ingredient and added another e.g. cut oranges, apples, figs etc. Saw that it now had become full plate to my eyes, it's done. Still thought of something was missing like boiled eggs or sardine. So, I added half slice of cheese which is from Kraft. 

Coffee was ready, squeeze few drops of dressing. It was fixed as breakfast :) What did you have for breakfast this morning?

Exhale, take time to relax. 

Happy Sunday❤️

Hampir hendak menyerah dan  capai dua keping roti saja. Tapi teringat ada yang menyatakan kalau sayur salad yang memenuhi pinggan kecil mampu mengenyangkan. 

Jadi saya cuba penuhi pinggan kecil tu dulu. Lagi pun daun tak tahan lama dalam peti sejuk, lebih baik buat je sesuatu yang dapat dijamah. Lagipun salad ada salad rocket yang saya suka sebab ada kelatnya.

Tak tahu sangat nak buat salad yang mengenyangkan, cuma letak satu bahan dan tambah sebahan lagi  contoh bubuh potongan buah oren, epal, apricot etc. Dah nampak penuh di mata. Masih terfikir tentang protin seperti telur rebus atau sardin. Akhirnya saya letak separuh keping keju Kraft. 

Kopi pun dah siap, picit botol dressing beberapa kali, ha.. jadila hidangan sarapan :) Apa sarapan kalian hari ini? 

Lepas nafas, dan masa untuk berehat. 

Salam Ahad ❤️


  1. Looks delightful! Cheese and fruit are great together.

  2. Eu não acho que não seja tão saborosa, mas é muito saúdável, é isso que importa.

    Tenha uma feliz nova semana.
    Um abraço.

  3. Lindo seu espaço
    Vou amar receber
    sua visita.

  4. Sarapan Ahad: jagung rebus, lepat pisang dan nasi goreng bersama kopi susu!

  5. I ate deep fried sweet potatoes for breakfast on Sunday. Not healthy food but tasty. Your colourful salad is very healthy food and tasty too. 😋😋😋 I love the nutty taste of raw rocket salad leaves. Yummy!

  6. Se ve muy rico te mando un beso

  7. Wow, that's nice. However, I don't drink coffee. Today, I had breakfast with vegetable salad and milk. It's yummy.

  8. rajinnya akak. saya breakfast nasi goreng je pagi tadi

  9. rajin akak membelek burung celah rimbunan pokok. hihi..Saya kurang menggemari rocket salad ni. Rasa pahit dia lain macam sikit. huhu...

  10. Frankly ammi tak pernah breakfast with salad. Plg rasa ringan pun buat oats haha. Ringanlah sangat
