

October 25, 2021

Roasted Cauliflower | Kubis Bunga Panggang

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :)

English version and one minute video below :)

Yummy spiced vege | Sedap sayur berempah

Easy preparation | Penyediaan mudah

Bought groceries via Grab Food, the next day immediately I prepared the cauliflower. If I hesitate, it will be rotten day by day. Normally, I only eat cauliflower in Tom Yum soup or stirred fried mix vege for lunch. 

I had doubt to put spices as some vege could choke me up, as normally the juice from vege spread the spices to the throat not at mouth. 

Just discovered the cauliflower tasted well for breakfast with any sides. I ate with fish and some fruits. Since we had just done groceries, we had the breakfast like the king has it hehe... can right? 

Even to do grocery shopping, I will make sure that Balance Sheet is balanced first that I would do grocery shopping.. If not I will dig and dig whatever in the kitchen first. Especially fresh produce items

Last time I used to have daun raja as ulam from own grown but now I saw only kesum and pegaga are still growing in the garden. Perhaps I would eat that next, eventhough the credited come fast hehe.. (positive right).

Wrap up of today, maybe I'll have Fajitas but with a big Salad leaf next, like Miang Kham, Thai food. 

Ingredients for roasting were:

Cauliflowers chopped


Parmesan cheese


Olive Oil

Happy Monday.❤️

Beli kobis bunga itu melalui Grab Food. Keesokkan hari terus sediakannya untuk dibakar dalam oven. Kalau berlengah, ia akan mula memburuk hari demi hari, kerana selalunya ia akan digunakan dalam sup tomyam atau sayur campur goreng.

Mulanya teragak agak juga nak tambahkan rempah ratus sebab sesetengah sayuran itu akan mengeluarkan jus yang meninggalkan rasa pedas ditekak dan tidak dimulut. 

Baru tahu yang bunga kobis sesuai dimasak dengan rempah ratus. Dan dimakan dengan apa-apa makanan sampingan, saya makan dengan ikan dan buah buahan. Ya la, baru membeli barang dapur, bolehlah bersarapan ala raja hehe, boleh kan?

Walau nak membeli barang dapur pun, saya pastikan Balance Sheet seimbang dulu. Barulah gagah membeli, jika tidak mengorek apa yang ada di dalam dapur dulu. Terutama barangan mentah. 

Dulu pernah, makan daun ulam raja dari tanaman sendiri tetapi sekarang hanya nampak kesum dan pegaga ja yang ada ditaman. Mungkin nanti makan ulaman tu je walaupun dikredit masuk(earning) laju hehe (positif kan).

Itulah litupannya hari ini, barangkali buat Fajitas dengan daun salad besar untuk balut inti pula bagai makanan Thai, Miang Kham.

Bahan panggangan:

Bunga Kubis dipotong kecil

Lada hitam


Keju Parmesan

Minyak zaitun

Salam Isnin ❤️


  1. Bunga kobis memang sedap! Suka makan dengan bahan grill

  2. hi.. lama tak ke sini. sebab dah lama tak update.

    i suka cauliflower. steam mmg best lah.

  3. Roasting definitely brings out the best flavour of veggies. This sounds and looks very yummy.

  4. There are many people who do not eat cauliflower because of the unpleasant smell they leave in the environment when they are cooked. The solution is to cook them by uncovering the saucepan where it is cooked. I do it like this and it is an excellent solution.

  5. suka bunga kobis ni
    rebus atau buat sayur
    panggang pun sedapp jga ka
    elok berkhasiat

  6. Cauliflower is very good, both in soup and baked.

  7. i love that kind of dishes:)

  8. I love cauliflower just made simply-it is so good that way, the way you made your Happy new week

  9. Que maravilha de publicação!:)
    Faz dos teus dias, a banda sonora ...
    Beijos e uma excelente semana
    Boa noite

  10. more one delicious :)
    great week dear

  11. I have eaten cauliflower cheese baked when I was in uk. Your baked cauliflower with spices look very good too. Is that smoked salmon and yellow zucchini that I see on your breakfast plate? So tasty! 😋

  12. selalu tengok masak begini dalam Food Channel. Cuma itulah, malas nak bukak oven

  13. Adik saya buat kobis bunga macam nasi.
    Versatile kobis bunga ini.

  14. Tak pernah cuba roast Cauliflower lagi. Biasanya steam or stir fry je

  15. Confirm sebulan kurus Kalau hakak makan mcm tu BP…Tp apa kan daya kadang tak mampu nak kurus hahahaha sebab tak sanggup nak tinggal makanan yg ber minyak minyak…huhu…. Tp Tq ye resepinya. Komen hakak ni muncul ye BP

  16. Wahh nampak sedap. Boleh suggest kat Mak untuk buat macam ni.

  17. Menarik juga hidangan macam ni. Biasa nampak orang gunakan kobis bunga buat nasi goreng ganti nasi. Bolehlah cuba kobis bunga panggang pulak nanti kalau teringin :)
