

October 22, 2021

Muesli Kellog's | Campuran bijirin Kellog's

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :)

English version and one minute video below :)

Bought Muesli Kellogs for rainy days | Beli Kellog's Muesli untuk hari yang tak berkesempatan

Tried to introduce the cereal to abang adik too | Cuba perkenalkan bijirin untuk abanga dik juga

There are mornings, I just like to have coffee and something easy and quick. I tried muesli, muesli are mixed cereal with raisins nut or fruits. I was not sure what type of muesli that I bought online because I took out the box for recycle. 

I could see it consisted roasted oats and cornflakes plus the extra condiments, dried coconut flakes or raisin with nuts. 

Anything that is in original form is good. The kids however, preferred the processed cereal like honey star which I tried to avoid purchase it often. Recently they learned eating coating flakes with raisins. Time to buy the original, plain soon. 

I put half a bowl of muesli and pour milk. It is good to eat immediately rather than let it soften. 

It is handy in a bowl, so I took it out at the front corridor or veranda not sure what its called. I sat and stared at the electric line, saw a white dove, i zoomed in and out. And at the gate wall had a furry predator was siiting on waiting for the bird or eating the bird food, not sure. Lovely morning. 

That's it, the breakfast ideas and food journal of today :) 

Happy Friday❤️

Ada hari-hari nak minum kopi dan makanan cepat dan mudah dalam penyediaan. Saya cuba muesli, muesli yang sudah di campur kekacang dan kismis. Saya pun tak perasan muesli jenis buah atau kekacang yang saya beli online ni, sebab kotaknya telah dikeluarkan untuk kitar semula. 

Bolehla nampak ia terdiri dari oats panggang dan empingan jagung termasuk bahan penyedap, kelapa kering atau kismis dengan kekacang.

Bijirin yang terdiri dari keadaan asalnya adalah bagus. Macamanapun budak-budak gemar bijirin yang diproses seperti honey star yang mana saya cuba elakkan beli selalu.  Baru belajar makan yang empingan jagung bersalut, dengannkismis, lama-lama beli yang kosong. 

Saya masukkan muesli separuh mangkuk dan tuang susu. Sedap makan segera sebelum ianya menjadi lembut. 

Terasa mobil pula bila bijirin dalam mangkuk senang nak ubah tempat, saya terus ke depan luar rumah, di veranda ke koridor, kecil je tempatnya tak pasti nak panggil apa. Duduk dan perhati atas wayar elektrik tu ternampak seekor burung merpati putih. Saya pun zoom dekat. Dan di atas tembok pagar tu ada pemangsa berbulu segak sedang duduk menunggu burung atau nak makan makanan burung, tak pasti. Alhamdulillah pagi yang indah.

Itulah pilihan sarapan ringkas dan jurnal sarapan hari ini :) 

Salam Jumaat❤️


  1. I don't like hydrated muesli with milk, but I do like it with yogurt. It is a very nutritious food since it has cereals, nuts and when served with yogurt you can also add fresh fruit.
    Salam dari Argentina. Saya tetap mengikut awak

  2. A veces es bueno comer cereal aunque yo tomo avena o por lo general café. Te mando un beso

  3. That's a cute kitty! We don't eat storebought muesli as it has lots of sugar...homemade would be better.

  4. I'm from oatmeal. I use it in various ways. It is good to eat natural and homemade foods.
    Upon waking up; a rich coffee with milk!☕
    Happy weekend!!

  5. I love muesli.. tapi dah lama tak makan. Thanks mengingatkannya kembali. InshaAllah nak cari balik kat sini.

  6. Banyak ya pokok yang matang. Kena rajin kemaskini (trim) supaya tidak melebihi atap atau masuk rumah

  7. I found a muesli that I really love and buy it online at Swansons at a good price Bob's Red Mill gluten free European style Muesli-all raw grains nuts and seeds with raisins It's really delicious Happy Friday

  8. Great breakfast and great video.
    Have a nice weekend.

  9. I like to eat muesli cereal too. The one I usually buy is Post Cereal. Your plant setup in a wooden container on your breakfast table is so lovely. Maybe you can feature that here next time.

  10. Love your video of flora and fauna. Your view is so nice. Can see the bird, the cat and is that a river or a lake or a pond?

  11. betul tu, bijiran segera walaupun sedap tapi kurang bagus kerana tinggi kandungan gula

  12. Suka jugak muesli oats ni jenis tak mudah lembik dan kaya serat. Seronok duduk di beranda menikmati alam flora dan fauna datang menyinggah. eh eh si comel berbulu tu pandang pandang pulak dengan muka ketat.
