

December 3, 2021

Pancakes with honeycomb | Lempeng dengan sarang lebah

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :) 

English version and one minute video as below :) 

Need a professional cameraman for advertising picture of a new product | Perlu jurukamera professional untuk gambar iklan produk baru

Adik helped to film the process of spreading honeycomb on pancake | Adik tolong mengambil video tengah bubuh sapuan sarang madu di atas lempeng

After discussing about business, adik suggested and more interested in selling pancakes because she said "she would buy it, infact she would have it as often as staple food. She got the point there. Sell that you yourself would buy. Totally agree ;) 

This moment reminded me last time before MCO I got order for cakes (I used to put cakes at shop and also took order. my mom offered me to pay the price of the cake so that she would have it and i didn't need to send it or I won't be so busy spending time at the kitchen or could visit her or take her and dad out instead. 

The funny part sometimes when they were here. while I wanted to send the whole cake but they wanted the cake. I had to give two slices. When I arrived at the cafe shop, I had to explain that a customer insisted to buy two slices while I walked in here. (suddenly miss them). 

Ok back to the pancakes as products and tried to freeze it also and made an effort to maintain standardized size by using a square mould. 

For the photo, I put a lot of jam to make it attractive but still not so alluring right. 

Need a professional photographer and marketeer at this part perhaps :) 

Happy Friday❤️

Setelah berbincang tentang berniaga ni, adik cadangkan dan lebih berminat menjual lempeng atau pancake sebab dia akan beli pancake, malah akan makan sekerap boleh ala makanan ruji. Ada betulnya si adik tu. Jual yang kita sendiri makan. Setuju sangat ;) 

Ketika ini buat saya teringat pula, sebelum pkp, saya pernah jual kek, letak di kedai makan dan ambil order. Emak saya cakap tak payah hantar dia beli atau bayar (beri duit kat saya) supaya saya tak payah berlama di dapur boleh la bawa emak dan bapa keluar. 

Yang tergelak tu bila mereka ada di sini, ketika saya nak keluar hantar kek, mereka hendak dua potong kek. Tiba di kedai terpaksala saya cakap ada pelanggan nak beli sangat dua potong dalam perjalanan tadi. (subhanAllah rindu pula) 

Ok berbalik kepada pancake sebagai produk, dah cuba bekukan dan berusaha untuk mengekalkan saiz standard menggunakan acuan segiempat sama. 

Untuk dalam gambar pancake, saya letak selungguk jem dan madu dengan sarang lagi supaya menarik tapi masih tak mengiurkan. 

Perlu jurufoto dan pakar pemasaran untuk bahagian ni kut :) 

Salam Jumaat ❤️


  1. Que ricos panqueques te mando un beso

  2. Tebal pancake nya tu.. Pastu letak eskrem atas.. Perghhh nikmat haha

  3. That makes an excellent breakfast or even as an after school snack!

  4. Deliciosos. Saludos a la distancia.

  5. Wah kembali berniaga ke? Jual penkek pula.

  6. The pancakes look thick and tasty! I will definitely buy pancakes from you! 😋 Yummy!

  7. Pancakes look luxurious.

  8. All the best. Carilah photographer dalam budget yang kita mampu untuk tujuan promosi.

  9. Hummm fantástico!
    Diz a Criança, perspicaz ...
    Beijo e um excelente fim de semana

  10. Your pancakes look very appetizing. Every day that passes I see that you improve the quality of your videos!
    Important: You should not rush when cutting each shot.
    I really liked the image of the fan you see on the spoon

  11. Semoga urusan babyPose berjalan lancar. Saya pun tidak akan jemu beli dan makan pancake :)

  12. Sedap nampak pancakes dengan honeycomb. Semoga Allah permudahkan segala urusan. Aaaminn...

  13. wah semuga berjaya. Mesti kek sedap ni
