

November 2, 2021

Top Commentator of October 2021

Bahasa dan video pendek di bawah :)

English version and short video below :)

With Wheel of names | Guna roda nama

Top Commentators short listed | Pengomen teratas dari disenarai pendekkan

Time flies so fast, week changes to new week just like that. I have no new menu, same and rotates back to the square one. Love the activities as I could maintain the concept or idea of eating from the original form first and green if it not more. 

Appreciate so much for your presents here. I hesitated to reset the widgets of top commentator because love to see the name on tops that support me when I came back on blogging. 

I think it's ok to everyone, love you all.  So the top of the tops is Blogger Mun from (Eat to Live) or (Live to Eat)

Her journal of food that I enjoy reading. It is also interesting about her personal views, life and updated on some recent new promo/menu from famous eatery. Hope all of you could visit her blog. 

Congratulation Blogger Mun, hope you would send your details via email for delivering my humble gift to you. 

Appreciate our journey visiting each our and hope our friendship will remain always. 

As for the widget, it will still be appearing at my webpage front  and i have already updated the bloglist just that I haven't arrange to the top column. 

And the monthly giveaway for top commentators are still under my consideration. It may be yes and may be no. Will see. Subtly will have a sponsor. 

Happy Tuesday❤️

Masa berlalu begitu pantas, seminggu bertukar minggu baru macam tu jer. Menu baharu pun tak dapat muncul, asyik olah berbalik yang sama saja. Sayang aktiviti ini kerana ia membuat saya boleh kekalkan konsep permakanan hijau walaupun tak lebih, tapi makan makanan asal kebanyakkannya. 

Hargai sangat kehadiran pengomen-pengomen ke sini. Saya mengelak untuk reset widget top commentator sebab suka lihat nama-nama terawal yang mendorong saya, apabila saya kembali meneruskan blog ini. 

Saya rasa tiada hal kepada sesiapa, saya sayang awak semua. Jadi, ter-Top di antara yang Top ialah Blogger Mun dari 

(Eat to Live) or (Live to Eat).

Perjalanan beliau tentang makanan yang saya suka ikuti dan baca. Memang menarik tentang pendapat peribadinya, kehidupannya dan beliau memperkinikan menu/promo dari restoran yang dikenali. Harap kalian dapat singgah ke blognya itu. 

Tahniah Blogger Mun, harap Sis Mun hantar maklumat  ke email saya iaitu untuk pengiriman hadiah kecil kepada sis Mun. 

Saya hargai perkenalan kita, harap terus saling lawat blog dan persahabatan berpanjangan. 

Tentang widget top commentator akan dibiar di depan laman blog ini. Dan saya sudah update bloglist. Cuma belum letak kolum tu di atas. 

Dan pemberian hadiah bulanan masih lagi jatuh dalam pertimbangan. Mungkin ada mungkin tidak. Tengoklah macamana sebab gara-gara ada sponsor :)

Salam Selasa❤️


  1. Congrats all the commentators..

  2. Wah ada sponsor? Tahniah kepada Puan Mun.
    Keep it up post about healthy foods.

  3. Tahniah Blogger Mun. Keep on blogging sis Babypose

  4. Tahniah blogger Mun dan semua top commentator.
    Kadang kekeringan idea nak olah makanan kan, itu biasa :)

  5. Oh, thank you thank you to everyone. I will email you. 😊👍

  6. Tahniah buat semua. Suka tenguk video bila piknik kat luar. Chaiyok chaiyok blogging
