

November 16, 2021

Pumpkin Oats in Jar | Oats Labu dalam balang

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :) 

English version and one minute video below :) 

Wanted something chilled. | Nakkan yang sejuk-sejuk. 

3 ingredients of the layer for overnight oats. | 3 bahan untuk tiga lapis oats semalaman. 

The steamed pumpkin looked creamy and it's been long time I haven't had oats. After I've made the energy bar. I ran some errands and came back to the kitchen and cooked the oats.  

Scraped the steamed pumpkins and mashed it into a creamy pulp. I just did it roughly though. 

Sinple way to layer the Pumpkin Overnight Oats

First put the mashed pumpkins at bottom of the jar. 

Then the cooked oats, sprinkle the cut dates, apricots and raisins. 

Last but not least pour uht milk til the top. 

I ate it the next day. Actually, I was drooling while making it. Anyway, it was a delicious treat, a distinguished taste of dates and milk combination then come to subtle mix with pumpkins, so special I can't describe it in words. Yummy! 

That's it, the dessert cum good breakfast of the year :) 

Happy Wednesday❤️

Labu kukus nampak berkrim  dan rasanya dah lama tak makan oat. Selepas buat energy bar. Saya habis kerja rutin, balik ke dapur terus masak rolled oat.

Kikis labu yag telah dikukus hingga ke kulitnya, dan lenyek bagi berkrim, saya buat ala kadar. 

Cara buat Overnight Oats Berlabu:

Pertama letak labu dulu biar dibawah sekali. 

Lepas tu bubuh oats yang telah dimasak., tabur potongan buah kurma, apricot dan kismis. Akhir sekali, tuang susu segar hingga atas. 

Saya makan terus keesokkan hari, masa membuat pun dah kecur air liur. Apapun, perghh.. memang enak sangat rasanya, ketaranya rasa susu buah kurma pada awal tu, lepas tu samar-samar bercampur manis labu, istimewalah nak habaq..

Itu jer, pencuci mulut merangkap sarapan yang terbaik di dalam tahun ni :) 

Salam Rabu❤️


  1. This sounds like a very delicious breakfast and takes advantage of the popular pumpkin season. thanks

  2. This would make a great breakfast!

  3. Nak buat jugaklah nanti.Hi3.TQ untuk resepi😊.

  4. Se ve muy rico, gracias receta. Te mando un beso

  5. mst sedap... lemak² manis labu dan oat

  6. Thanks for the recipe.
    Kat rumah ada labu, boleh try Insha Allah.

  7. Mewah dengan khasiatnya. Sedap bila lenyek ala kadar kasar kasar macam tu. Baru ada feel mengunyah isi labu. Unik lain dari yang lain oats in jar dengan labu.

  8. ramai juga yg suka buat overnight oat ni ..biasa tgk yg campuran buah mcm grapes, strawberry..yg labu tk pernh lg tgk

  9. Membaca ni pun kecur liur jugak

  10. Pumpkin and oats.. lovely combination and must be awesomely delicious

  11. That's how it looks for a great breakfast.

  12. Um excelente prato, uma refeição saborosa.

    Te mando um abraço.

  13. Betul-betul guna labu sampai habis. Kesungguhan untuk kikis isi labu dan masak oat memang tinggi. Sihat dan boleh buat banyak-banyak.

  14. sis share la resepi energy bar tu

  15. Tak pernah guna labu lagi untuk oat in jar.

  16. I love to eat overnight oats but soak uncooked oats instead of cooked oats and use soya instead of milk. Your overnight oats look super tasty. I would love to eat it.

  17. Labu pun boleh jadi overnight ots ya. emm enak banget tu
