

November 18, 2021

Caribbean Style Fish Fillet | Ikan Masak Caribbean

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :)

English version and one minute video below :)

Off to visit parents. | Terus keluar berjumpa ibubapa. 

Touching seeing they watched youtube instead of tv. | Terharu melihat insan tersayang tonton youtube bukan TV. 

Arrived a bit early for lunch. I would prefer earlier or later because I didn't want to cramp up the restaurant. At this time I almost thought of we were living in normal without pandemic or endemic. 

Without hesitation we brought them out for lunch. At the restaurant I was looking for desserts. Such craving that I had but I didn't order until the main meal Carribean finished, I ordered cheese tart. I ate more than half.

By the time lunch is over, one of us asked what's the program for the evening. The joy of outing is contagious. We simply made plan for next.

First dine was a reminder to stay home coz it is inappropriate to go out  as often. Next time will bring food and have it around their compound, I hope.

And while dad walked into the house, Alhamdulillah he reminded to send regards to their grandkids, abang and adik. 

Happy Thursday❤️

Tiba awal pada masa makan tengahari. Lebih selesa jika awal atau lambat dari waktu makan tengahari bila sampai di restoran. Sebab hendak mengelak meramaikan lagi jika tepat waktu "Lunch". Masa ni terasa biasa bagai tidak pernah lalui zaman pandemik pula.

Tanpa melengah kami bawa keluar mereka untuk makan di luar.  Di restoran saya mencari manisan pula. Terkempunan pula nak makan manis, tapi tak "order" hingga Ikan masak Karribean sampai dan habis. Ter"order" juga Tart Keju. Termakan lebih dari separuh.

Bila "lunch" dah selesai, ada yang bertanya apa program di petang hari pula. Keseronokan berada diluar terbawa-bawa perasaan. Rancang juga masa tu, tapi cakap hari lain pula.

Makan di luar pertama kali menjadi satu peringatan untuk duduk di rumah pula sebab terasa belum masa lagi untuk selalu keluar, ziarah masa depan inshaAllah nak bawa makanan dan makan di luar rumah. 

Masa bapa hendak masuk, sempat kirim salam kepada cucu-cucunya iaitu abang dan adik.

Salam Khamis❤️


  1. Happy Thursday-your meal looks delicious and I love fish

  2. Beberapa kali 'ter' tu hehe...once a while just enjoy the food :)

  3. That looks so mouthwatering! You are an excellent cook.

  4. Sedapnya menu pilihan akak tu. Terasa rasa nak makan fish & chips yang dah lama tak makan sebab kedai fav tutup. Betul tu, sekarang ni nak keluar selalu pun rasa macam kekok. Ada keperluan dan urusan baru keluar.

  5. setuju. saya sekarang ni pun cuba elakkan peak hour. elak waktu ramai orang di restoran :)

  6. Haah malas keluar makan sebab tidak mahu kotorkan pelitup muka.
    Sesekali boleh. Bukan hari-hari.

  7. I wish you a happy Friday, with health and peace.

    Good weekend
    A hug.

  8. Parece que se divirtieron rico pescado. Te mando un beso

  9. kalau hari bekerja memang restoran penuh waktu lunch tu. mungkin lain kali boleh ajak parents picnic bersama cucu

  10. sedap nmpknya menu tu..lpr plak sbb tk bfast..tgu lunch la kejap lg br mkn

  11. Nampak menyelerakan sungguh ikan masak Caribbean itu :)

  12. I like fish. The food looks great.

  13. Very cute video, make more pleasem or be youtubber :)

    I wish you a nica weekend. and one kiss for your children

  14. I love fish fillet Caribbean style ni. favorite. tp dah lama tak makan. jadi teringin pulak.

  15. Oh, is that oyen your parents' cat? 🐈😺 Comel! 😻 I haven't dine in yet cos now cases going up again. Haizzzz. But good to see you enjoying secret recipe food together with your parents.

  16. Bom pedido, a refeição peixe é muito bom, e de sobremesa uma torta de queijo, isso é saboroso!

    Mas ao sair de casa deve se cuidar porque a pandemia ainda não acabou.

    Tenha um bom fim de semana.
    Um abraço.

  17. termakan separuh cheese cake...terhabiskan terus je senang
