

October 5, 2021

Terrarium with Adik

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :) 

English version and one minute video below :) 

Basics are small rocks, soil, mold and small plants. 

 keperluan asas ialah batu kecil, tanah dan lumut.

Glass bottle from empty jam bottles or plastic clear cookies containers | 
Botol kaca dari botol jam yang kosong atau  bekas plastik biskut

Adik was free in the morning, I asked her to join me to feed the birds. When we were outside I felt so fresh and heavy heart to go back inside the house. 

The ventilation in the house was
 not fresh as we closed all window except one or two. During physical school she would go out and school ventilation is way better. 

I got an idea to make terrarium as I think it is cute. A tiny garden in the a jar. The coway lady who came had ever bought out creation. 

Items needed
Empty Jam Jar or mayonaise Jar
Small Plants

Tools small spoons will do. Mold can be found at top of the drain but can be replaced with sands to cover the soil. I have chosen one photo for you to see as some kept in the external harddisk.  In the video I used smaller jar. 

Hope you enjoy simple tiny gardening:) 

Peace always❤️

Adik ada masa lapang di waktu pagi, saya ajak dia turut keluar memberi makan burung. Bila dah berada di luar rasa sayang pula nak tinggal udara segar dingin di luar. 

Semasa di sekolah adik akan dapat pengudaraan yang lebih bagus. 

Perudaraan di dalam rumah kurang segar kerana satu atau dua tingkap saja di buka, kecik je pulak tu. Belum ada net lagi.

Saya dapat idea nak buat terarrium. Kami dah pernah buat sebelum ni. Bila adhoc ni macam kurang bahan. Comel taman kecil ni, bercucuk tanam tapi dalam bekas kecil. Pernah pekerja coway beli hasil kerja kami. Alhamdulillah.  Saya letak gambar satu untuk tatapan manakala yang dalam video guna botol lebih kecil. 

Bahan yang diperlukan
Botol jam yang kosong, atau botol mayonis. 
Batu kecil-kecil
Anak-anak pokok yang kecil

Alatan tu boleh je guna sudu yang tak digunakan lagi. Lumut boleh didapati di lereng parit ataupun letak pasir hanya untuk menutupi tanah. 

Harap kalian dapat manfaat dari bercucuk tanam skala kecilan :)

Salam tenang selalu❤️


  1. Very pretty Terrarium. Wah, congrats got a lady buy your creation!

  2. Lovely idea! Thanks so much and thanks for visiting my blog too! All the best to your blog!

  3. comelnya terrarium tu. aktiviti yang bagus untuk mengisi masa

  4. Sounds good! What a beautiful terrarium! Thanks for the review.

  5. Bagus libatkan anak buat terrarium.

  6. br gugel... baru tau apa itu terrarium hehehe

  7. Berseni buat Terrarium ni. Yang saya kenal fittonia tu je kak :)

  8. It's very pretty! I love that you always get your kids involved with the things you are bond!

  9. Kunjungan perdana salam kenal

  10. Great idea. It looks very good.

  11. good least your morning is filled with something rather than just having breakfast haha

  12. comelnya sungguh kreatif tangan tuan rumah.
