

October 6, 2021

Steamed egg | Telur Kukus

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :) 

English version and one minute video below :) 

Pretty sky, almost like Autumn but there is coconut tree as spoiler | 

Langit redup bagai musim luruh tetapi ada pula pokok kelapa..tak mungkin ada negara empat musim. 

Expect the best and hope it's filling of taking two items this morning | Bersangka baik dan mengharap dua bahan ini akan mengenyangkan

Just to jot down that l prepared eggs differently. And only took two items for the morning. Was surprised that I felt full til lunch. I tried to monitor my feelings of anger or hunger, neither one appeared to feel. I assumed I will take eggs for breakfast at least two time in a week. This was first time and too early to say though hehe.. I wanted to add dessert but then I tried to experiment without it.  

Ceasar Salad Recipe with boiled eggs that I used to take has bread croutons, I could make them with the bread but it didn't crossed my mind. Should be better if I did. By the way,  I broke the eggs into  bowls and steamed in the cooker. 

Just sharing the recipe, it's okay to take anything, all in the state of mind, my mother used to say   that and the same words come from someone whom ate from a workplace's canteen and rrstaurant. So think healthy.

Have a nice day❤️

Nak catitkan cara berlainan yang telah saya sediakan telur untuk sarapan. Cuma ambil dua bahan pagi tu. Terkejut rasa kenyang hingga ke tengahari Alhamdulillah. Cuba juga pantau perasaan marah atau lapar mara di perut, tidak sama sekali. 

Saya andaikan saya akan ambil telur dua kali untuk sarapan dalam seminggu, tetapi terlalu awal untuk putuskan hehe.. Tercari-cari pencuci mulut tetapi nak uji ketahanan tanpanya masa ni. 

Resepi salad ceasar yang saya pernah makan ada ketulan kiub roti kering,  senang nak buat tapi tak terfikir pulak sebelum menjamah. Lagi kenyang kut kalau ada. Oh ya cara kukus, pecahkan telur  dalam mangkuk dan kukus dalam periuk cooker. 

Saja kongsi resepi, yang sebenar makan yang lain pun tak pa semuanya adalah di minda saja, emak biasa cakap begitu,  dan kata-kata itu juga keluar dari seorang yang makan dari juadah kantin masa kerjanya atau kedai. Jadi fikir yang baik-baik saja. 

Selamat sejahtera❤️

eat green


  1. Salads and eggs...very healthy and tasty!

  2. suka steamed egg resto Jepun..rasa mcm puding..

  3. My mother eats an egg every day for breakfast. Again, your egg salad looks like an expensive breakfast from a nice cafe! Well done with the plating and breakfast ingredients. 👍 The photo does look like 4 season with autumn leaves ignoring the coconut tree leaves.

  4. Very nice to know your blog lots of good information. I loved!

    wishing you a good night
    I'll help you and then you help me, you know how!

  5. Hehe bagus boleh kenyang hingga ke tengahari.
    Selamat menjamu selera.

  6. Hello passing by to wish you a good night!
    let's help each other?
    I wish you health and peace!

  7. take egg twice a week?? ammi makan setiap hari. kadang2 tak sedar pun sebab masuk dlm nasi gorenglah, masa goreng sayurlah

  8. bagusnya breakfast sayur. kalau saya mungkin lambat nak habiskan. bravo to u and ur family

  9. Selain rebus, sedap juga masak telur kaedah kukus ni. Makan dengan selera menyelerakan. Bagus tu kenyang sampai tengahari.

  10. menu healthy ni salad & telur..slalu tgk org share menu ni kalo utk diet

  11. Eggs are so nutritious.

    All the best Jan

  12. Telur kukus ada rasa macam telur separuh masak tak. salad sayur tu yang mengancam mata melihat. hehehehe
