
June 22, 2024

Cooking, waiting for a friend to come |Memasak, menunggu kawan datang

Memasak, menunggu kawan datang | Cooking, waiting for a friend to come

          Preps and welcoming video

Looking thru' the window, saw a bird, Yellow vented bulbul spesis to be exact. Cut onion, mushroom and a few others; sautee all.

Saw Hisbiscus blooms, the pink ones still there, whereas the red ones hardly seen it appeared.

The boiled pasta is ready, served with the red sauce on top. Fix a little salad with cut orange slices. It's refreshing with green and orange at the side of the plate. Poured the olive and vinegar dressing.

All is good, my son's friend came, time to attend and serve him pizza; That's the only dish my son can handled by himself :) 

Best wishes ❤️

Lihat luar di tingkap ternampak burung, Merbah kapur. Potong bawang, cendawan dan lain2 nya, tumis semua. 

Nampak bunga raya mekar,  yang berwarna merah jambu masih banyak, yang berwarna merah, dah tak kelihatan lagi. 

Pasta dah siap direbus, sedia untuk di makan, bubuh kuah merah diatas. Sediakan salad dengan buah oren. Menyegarkan lihat hijau oren di sisi pinggan. Tuang minyak zaitun dan cuka epal. 

Semuanya bagus, kawan si abang pun dah datang, masa untuk bersembang dan hidangkan pizza sebab itu jer yang abang boleh kendali buat masa ni :) 

Salam berjaya ❤️

June 20, 2024

Tidy up teen son's room | Kemas bilik anak bujang

Tidy up teen son's room | Kemas bilik anak bujang

     Video mengemas / Tidying Video

By right, I supposed not to clean up his room. However, ever since watching the cleaning vlogs in youtube, my mood in cleaning have a bit of jumpstart. 

I chose his room as it is the one with the most acceptable condition so far. And also approriate a bit. Though messy, (yet not so). At least there is a focus on the bed, sides.

I don't know how to start actually, but picked the dumbbell first. Can you imagine it's located on the bed 😯

Imagine if it slip down on somebody's feet. Godforbid.

Then I stop making the bed, straight go to the corner, on the way at the bed side, I found a bag, belt, scout's scarf and crumple of tape on the table mat.

It took me sometime to clear that. 

I cleared by picking up and collected  then brought it to the corner where the camera is. As there is broken washing machine. Not sure when my husband wants to repair it.

Felt relief the slight tidiness and the productive act I've made🤭

                          After  photo

Happy Greetings♥️

Sebenarnya tak patutla saya mengemas bilik anak remaja. Tetapi, sejak tonton vlog kemas di youtube. Tercetus balik lah mood untuk mengemas. 

Saya pilih biliknya kerna kondisi nya yang boleh diterima sikit. Walaupun berselerak tapi masih boleh lagi kutip. Sekurangmya tumpu ke katil dam sisinya. 

Saya tak tahu nak mula di mana, tapi akhirnya mula dengan alihkan besi pengangkat berat daripada atas katil. Bayangkan bila² saja boleh jatuh atas kaki sesiapa pun. Nauzubillah. 

Seketika saya tinggalkan katil, lalu terus ke sudut hujung berdekatan tingkap, hala ke sana saya jumpa beg, tali pinggang, skaf pengakap dan gumpulan tape atas pelapik meja. 

Ambil masa juga nak kemas tu.

Saya kutip dan kumpulkan serta bawa ke hujung sudut di mana ada kamera di situ. Juga ada mesin basuh yang rosak. Tak tahu la en suami nak perbaiki bila. 

Rasa lega juga dengan sedikit kekemasan ini dan produktif tidakkan yang saya ambil🤭

Salam bahagia. 

June 18, 2024

Bread Pudding | Bengkang Roti


In the morning, woke up hungry with nothing for breakfast. Yet I was enthusiastic to bake a bread pudding. 

There're various type of bread that I've freezed.

Made a milk & butter mix to pour on the tattered bread pieces. Poured the mixture on the bread and let it soak. 

I asked adik to serve something as we had to fill our empty tummies. She took out caramel syrup to spread on the leftover bread. 

Time's up to send adik to the taekwondo class. We didn't go anywhere while she is in training. 

Adik came out from class, we went straight to have lunch out, I had a dish of chicken feet with white rice. 

Came back home, we enjoyed our pudding bread. The one that we baked earler starving and with frustration coz there's nothing to eat.

But the result was sweet, yummy, salty from the butter and still got bread texture but not so soggy :) 

Happy greetings ♥️

Di pagi hari, bangun kelaparan dengan tiada hidangan sarapan. Saya pun bersemangat nak bakar bengkang roti.

Ada berbagai jenis roti yang saya telah bekukan.

Saya buat bancuhan susu dan mentega untuk dicurahkan ke atas roti. Setelah dicurah, kena biarkan sebati basah, dan bakar di oven.

Saya minta adik hidang apa yang ada untuk isi perut, lalu dia keluarkan karamel buat sapuan di atas lebihan roti.

Masa untuk hantar adik ke kelas taekwondo. Rasanya, kami tak ke mana mana semasa adik dalam latihan.

Adik keluar kelas, kami terus makan tengahari di luar, saya mencuba lauk kaki ayam bersama nasi putih. 

Balik ke rumah, baru lah kami menikmati  bengkang roti yang di bakar pagi tadi, yang dibakar dengan perasaan lapar dan kecewa kerana tiada makanan untuk bersarapan. Hasilnya boleh la.. sedap, manis, masin mentega, berketulan tapi tak lah basah lencun terus.

Salam bahagia ♥️

June 16, 2024

Taugeh | Beansprout

Bahasa version below | Versi bahasa di bawah

Rarely eat beansprout since as i remember. Come we highlight its dignity here hehe.. 


Bought beansprout, wanted to make spring roll, but till now havent made it yet. 

So made it in soup with mix vege, tofu and Fried fish and slight boiled sprout on the side. 

Went out to pick up kidz, saw hawks. 

Back to home, having soup ala hot pot homecooked lunch. 

Happy Greetings♥️

Jarang sangat makan taugeh sejak dua menjak. Kita terang kan dan tinggi kan martabatnya di sini hehe.. 

Beli taugeh nak buat popia, tak terbuat terus jadikan ia lauk tengahari. 

Buat sup sayur, masuk taugeh dengan sayur campur tofu. Ada di sampingan Ikan goreng, taugeh rebus. 

Keluar jemput anak², ternampak burung spesis helang. 

Kembali jamah hidangan ala hot pot masak di rumah. 

Salam sejahtera♥️

June 13, 2024

Ubi kayu | Cassava


Bahasa version below | Versi bahasa di bawah

I saw cassava at the hypermarket. It quickly crossed my mind, that I wanted to have pure carbo that non processed. 

                         Mini video

Boil it, straight eat, taste fresh and pure. 

I boiled it in a pressure cooker. I also cooked it's sambal paste from the packet given by my brother. 

He bought it to bring back to America but then remembered that he cannot bring food items, as the tall customs dogs will await at the airport to sniff it hehe.. 

Boiled cassava and sambal were ready to eat. 

Simple, pure and tasty. 

Happy greetings ❤️


Ke pasar hyper di pagi hari, beli barang dapur, ternampak ubi kayu, terus teringin pula karbo yang tak di proses. 

Rebus terus makan, rasa segar dan asli. 

Siap untuk dimakan | its ready

Rebus dalam periuk tekanan tinggi. Masak sambalnya juga, dengan 'ibu sambal' pemberian dari adik ku. 

Adik ku beli kerana ingin nak bawa balik ke Amerika, tetapi teringat tak boleh bawa bahan makanan, nanti di airport di hidu oleh anjing² tinggi kastam hehe..

Lepas rebus, sambal pun siap, sedia untuk di makan. 

Ringkas, asli, dan sedap.

Salam bahagia ❤️

June 12, 2024

Wordless Wednesday

Video - neighbour came for coconut,  kids served their meal  | Jiran datang nak buah kelapa, anak² sajikan makan malam

neighbour climbed the ladder / jiran panjat tangga


Adik served her favorite menu | Adik saji menu kegemarannya

Salam Rabu | Happy Wednesday❤️



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