
Showing posts with label sarapan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sarapan. Show all posts

June 13, 2024

Ubi kayu | Cassava


Bahasa version below | Versi bahasa di bawah

I saw cassava at the hypermarket. It quickly crossed my mind, that I wanted to have pure carbo that non processed. 

                         Mini video

Boil it, straight eat, taste fresh and pure. 

I boiled it in a pressure cooker. I also cooked it's sambal paste from the packet given by my brother. 

He bought it to bring back to America but then remembered that he cannot bring food items, as the tall customs dogs will await at the airport to sniff it hehe.. 

Boiled cassava and sambal were ready to eat. 

Simple, pure and tasty. 

Happy greetings ❤️


Ke pasar hyper di pagi hari, beli barang dapur, ternampak ubi kayu, terus teringin pula karbo yang tak di proses. 

Rebus terus makan, rasa segar dan asli. 

Siap untuk dimakan | its ready

Rebus dalam periuk tekanan tinggi. Masak sambalnya juga, dengan 'ibu sambal' pemberian dari adik ku. 

Adik ku beli kerana ingin nak bawa balik ke Amerika, tetapi teringat tak boleh bawa bahan makanan, nanti di airport di hidu oleh anjing² tinggi kastam hehe..

Lepas rebus, sambal pun siap, sedia untuk di makan. 

Ringkas, asli, dan sedap.

Salam bahagia ❤️

June 6, 2024

Open Sandwich | Sandwic Terbuka

Assalamualaikum / Peace be upon you. Bahasa version below / Versi bahasa di bawah

Gotta chance to be here, feel relax ever meeting up with my friends again. Meanwhile, I will share this simple food journal, only making Sandwich. 

I saw in Pinterest an open sandwich, which is also called open faced sandwich. Whoever that favour decor but has no medium to practise it, just take a bread as base and build the topping nicely. That's sandwich with one sliced bread all about.  

Thing you'll need:

    1. Bread

    2. Sardine

    3. Vege

    4. Sauce

There's apple pie shown, later we'll archive it here at a different time.

One chunk of sardine like that, looked as if there's more protein and can be seen obviously from a distance. If we mash it up, it'll not make a big impact. Taste will be the same only to munch with more effort :) 

Have a nice day ❤️

Berpeluang kembali lagi, tenang jumpa sahabat² di sini. Sesambil tu kongsi jurnal makanan ringkas, Sandwich je pun.

Lihat di Pinterest sandwich terbuka ni disebut 'open faced sandwich'. Orang yang suka dekor ni tetapi tiada ruang nak didekor, dekor roti sebagai dasarnya. Jadilah sandwich roti bawah saja.

Bahan2 nya:

1. Roti

2. Sardin

3. Sayuran 

4. Sos

Ada apple pie tu, nanti kita arkib kan di sini pada waktu lain.

Sardin seketul gitu, konon nakkan protin lebih dan nampak jelas dari jauh, jika di lenyek mungkin tak perasan. Rasa sama je, cuma usaha untuk mengunyah lebih :) 

Salam sejahtera ❤️

July 21, 2021

Creamy egg of mother's recipe / Telur leleh resepi bonda

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :) English version and one minute video below:) 

Dalam video ada, Telur diproses, makan sekelip mata, membaca dengan adik, sempat Alhamdulillah

Got a chance to read with adik after making simple breakfast, that's the good thing of quick morning fix. 

As I remember my mom made creamy egg sandwich was so juicy. We did rotation of eating eggs (for health concious i think as mom worked in health industry). Every other week we got to eat mouth watering sandwich yet derailed hehe.. .  Somehow am missing my younger days that my mom would left letters to me on dining table before she left for work. 

Ok back to stirred egg or omelet/ scrambled (new age). I tried to make the kind of egg like my mom did but didnt ask her. I assume last time, perhaps she would cook with butter not at earlier age, so I really wanted to do it authentically, raw with oil. Alhamdulillah, I've made it, the past come to live.

Love and miss my mom, will see my parents soon. InshaAllah. Have a blessed day. 

Dapatlah baca2 bila persediaan sarapan mudah dan cepat. Itulah kelebihannya. 

Seingat-ingatnya, emak saya masak telur sangatlah sedap berjus, berkrim. Tak selalu makan telur, makan catu-catu jugak sebab emak kerja di pusat kesihatan tapi terbabas jugak hehe..

Teringatlah pula emak suka tulis surat dan letak di atas meja makan sebelum keluar pergi kerja.

Sekarang mama nak cuba buat seperti mak tok masak telur kacau lembut, telur hancur, atau telur dadar. Rasa masa tu mungkin emak saya guna mentega tetapi rasanya bukan masa pertama kali saya makan. Jadi mama bayangkan telur kacau lembut yang asli, mesti dengan minyak dan telur je tak da la susu bagai. Alhamdulillah menjadi, masa makan ja memori dulu kala kembali terasa. 

Sayang dan rindu ibubapaku, tak lama lagi dapat jumpa. InshaAllah.

Moga dirahmati selalu. 

July 16, 2021

Crepe with coconut fillings / kuih ketayap berisi kelapa parut

Bahasa dan seminit video di bawah :) English version and one minute video below :) 

I've been craving of malay kuih. Since we have schreded coconut for Pandan Cake toppings. I had an idea to make kuih gulung. I have tried it before but it turned up hard and broke when i folded. 

So it ended as birds food.  So i choose random western recipe then ketayap recipe. The recipe is below. 

May Allah swt make easy our matter and we succeed in it. InshaAllah. 

Betul kempunan nak makan kuih nyonya atau kuih melayu. Kami ada beli kelapa parut kering untuk topping kek pandan. Dari biar luput, saya cuba buat kuih gulung. Sebenarnya dah pernah buat kueh gulung ni tapi jadi keras  dan pecah bila digulung. Memang habuan burung yang pecah tu. Jadi saya pilih resepi crepe. Bila letak kelapa parut, anak2 suka ingatkan keju mozarella :) 

Crepe Asas

1 cawan tepung gandum

1 telur

1/2 st gula

1/4 st garam

1 cawan susu

Air, anggar kepekatan

Campur sebati. 

Moga dipermudahkan urusan dan urusan berjaya. InshaAllah


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