
Showing posts with label aidil fitri 2024. Show all posts
Showing posts with label aidil fitri 2024. Show all posts

June 22, 2024

Cooking, waiting for a friend to come |Memasak, menunggu kawan datang

Memasak, menunggu kawan datang | Cooking, waiting for a friend to come

          Preps and welcoming video

Looking thru' the window, saw a bird, Yellow vented bulbul spesis to be exact. Cut onion, mushroom and a few others; sautee all.

Saw Hisbiscus blooms, the pink ones still there, whereas the red ones hardly seen it appeared.

The boiled pasta is ready, served with the red sauce on top. Fix a little salad with cut orange slices. It's refreshing with green and orange at the side of the plate. Poured the olive and vinegar dressing.

All is good, my son's friend came, time to attend and serve him pizza; That's the only dish my son can handled by himself :) 

Best wishes ❤️

Lihat luar di tingkap ternampak burung, Merbah kapur. Potong bawang, cendawan dan lain2 nya, tumis semua. 

Nampak bunga raya mekar,  yang berwarna merah jambu masih banyak, yang berwarna merah, dah tak kelihatan lagi. 

Pasta dah siap direbus, sedia untuk di makan, bubuh kuah merah diatas. Sediakan salad dengan buah oren. Menyegarkan lihat hijau oren di sisi pinggan. Tuang minyak zaitun dan cuka epal. 

Semuanya bagus, kawan si abang pun dah datang, masa untuk bersembang dan hidangkan pizza sebab itu jer yang abang boleh kendali buat masa ni :) 

Salam berjaya ❤️


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