

November 5, 2021

Fish With Shoots of Sweetness | Ikan dengan Pucuk Manis

Bahasa Melayu (Malay Language) dan video seminit di bawah :)

English version and one minute video below :) 

Sauteed Sweet Leaves | Daun pucuk manis digoreng kering

Grilled fish | Ikan panggang

Having a breakfast with asian leaves that can be planted in the low land suits my tastebud.. It is as special as shoots of cashew nut tree. 

I used to have shoots of sweetness tree in front of the house. My neighbour gave it to me. I planted, it grew but not long enough to provide a harvest, due to not enough light or maybe too much water in the soil, as it  was very near to the water pool. 

I plucked the nice green leaves and threw the yellowish ones away as it was being kept in the fridge for a few days. 

The day before, I have deboned the mackerel fish, and then cut it small fillet and then kept them in the freezer. 

The next morning, I just defrosted the fish and fried the leaves. Then continued to grill the fish. Saw few grapes leftover, placed them on the plate, so as a few dates and dried cranberies. That's for breakfast, almost like  eating clean. Love it. 

Happy Friday❤️

Menjamah sarapan dengan daun-daun Asia  yang ditanam di atas tanah rendah dan juga menepati citarasa. Istimewa macam pucuk daun pokok biji gajus. 

Saya pernah ada pokok daun pucuk manis di depan rumah. 

Pemberian jiran, saya tanam, membesar elok tetapi jangka hayatnya tak panjang mungkin sebab tak cukup cahaya atau tanahnya banyak air sebab lokasinya ditepi kolam air. 

Hari sebelumnya saya keluarkan tulang dari ikan mackerel lepas tu potong kecil dan simpan balik ke dalam peti ais. 

Di keesokan pagi hari, saya hanya nyahsejukkan ikan. Saya pilih daun pucuk yang hijau segar dan buang yang telah kekuningan. 

Nampak beberapa biji anggur, saya letak atas pinggan, juga buah kurma dan kranberi kering untuk dijadikan sajian sarapan. Alhamdulillah. Hampir makan makanan asal (eat clean). Suker.

Salam Jumaat❤️


  1. Very good and healthy breakfast.
    Have a good night from Brazil.

    A hug.

  2. Gracias por la receta lo intentare. Te mando un beso

  3. That's a very good meal. I am going to make some fish for today too.

  4. Very good healthy and balanced meal in the morning for breakfast. I like to eat mackerel fish and pucuk Manis. I have emailed you. Please let me know if you didn't receive my email. Thank you.

  5. Senang makan apabila tulang sudah buang.
    Ringkas cara memasak.

  6. Adorei a publicação!! :))
    Os dias podem ter cor!
    Beijo, e um excelente fim de semana!

  7. Hola!! El plato tiene una pinta riquísima. Ya me tienes como seguidora. Besos!!

  8. Sarapan yang ringkas dan menyihatkan.

  9. arwah mama used to plant daun manis ni kat tepi2 longkang je dan daun2 dia lebat. dapat baja asli agaknya

  10. dulu2 kat kampung cucuk je batang dia dah merimbun hidup. Hari tu cuba tanam emm mati lah pulak. Selalu masak air bubuh soohon sedapnya sayur pucuk manis.
