

November 4, 2021

Apple Crumble Cheesecake in Vanlife feeling:) by the lake | Wildlife Watching

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :)

English version and one minute video below :) 

Went for a walk in conjunction of the National Sport day | Keluar menapak sempena Hari Sukan Negara. 

It was pouring rain | Hujan turun lebat

Eventhough it was pouring rain, we went through the drizzle and chose the canopy walk around here as abang's online participation of the National Sports day event. 

The canopy that has the roof all the way from building to building. I have taken the video while walking along the pedestrian cross over but not attached here yet. 

But what I have attached here is the video filmed about the lake after the walk and after the rain stopped. Perhaps will talk about the canopy walk around town for next time. 

After the walk, we got into the car and drove to a McDonald's drive thru, to get food for dinner. Yet, we had it late evening around 5pm at the lake. 

Since it was tea time hour, I was intrigued to have a tea treat and hot drink, so I had a cup of hot chocolate as I normally don't take caffeine in tea or coffee at the evening. As for food, I opted for a slice of Apple Crumble cheesecake. 

Upon arriving at the lake, we went out on the wet and damp land by the lake and saw a monitor lizard playing 'catch' with another from the same species. 

We gawked at watching the number of other wildlife spotted over there after the rain, including birds and tortoises. Then, everyone were soon tired of standing up, and because of long walk and straight went inside the car for our early dinner. 

I got an idea of vanlife style, having meal in the van. I saw vanlife vloggers on youtube living off in the van but making it nice n' pretty in everything they do, cooking or eating with style  upon the beautiful nature view backdrop landscape. 

So I had the green view, had food and drink, why not enjoy the sweet treat in the vehicle.  Surprised adik didn't even ask to taste it. My mood was not into sweet at sudden, so I ate half, brought home another half, thats the outcome when there's no company to share with. 

The cake was delicious with thick cheese, soft cut apple in the middle and crust at below.  Not so sweet yet tasty. The rest of us ate their usual burgers and drinks. 

That's it of our outing, walk for 5km, a slice of cake with other food, and wildlife watching as the reward, the best one.

Happy Thursday❤️

Walaupun hujan, kami redah juga untuk menapak dan memilih kanopy walk yang berdekatan di sini. Abang perlu menghabiskan jalanannya untuk penyertaannya untuk Hari Sukan Negara

Kanopy pejalan kaki yang beratap sepanjang kanopi yang berhubung dari bangunan ke bangunan lain. Ada video menapak tetapi tidak letak di sini. 

Tapi saya paparkan video perhentian kami di tasik selepas menapak dan setelah hujan berhenti. Mungkin boleh cerita tentang menapak melalui kanopi kemudian nanti.

Selepas menapak kami masuk kereta dan terus pandu ke McDonald's pandu lalu, beli makanan malam, walaupun baru pukul 5 petang.

Disebabkan waktu minum teh, saya teruja nak pekena kek dan minuman panas, jadi orderla koko panas sebab tak mau ambil kafein dari teh atau kopi di petang hari. Untuk makanan saya pilih kek keju Apple Crumble. 

Setiba di tasik, kami turun atas tanah yang  basah dan lembut. Menyaksi pula biawak air main kejar-kejar dengan rakan se spesisnya. 

Jakun jugak memerhati dan mencari kehidupan liar lain yang banyak lagi keluar lepas hujan, termasuk burung dan kura-kura hingga keletihan berdiri, kan baru menapak tadi, cepat betul masuk dalam kereta untuk makan. 

Saya dapat idea nak rasa gaya kehidupan bercaravan. Mereka yang tinggal dalam van, saya tonton vlogger dalam youtube biasanya mereka buat sesuatu penuh gaya. Jadi saya pun cubala makan dalam van, dah ada permandangan hijau dan makanan kan. Heran adik tak berebut kek pula, mood saya pun turun, makan separuh dan bawa balik lagi separuh. Memang tak berapa lalu lah makan bila tak  berkongsi. 

Sedap keknya, keju yang tebal, epal potong di tengah dan bawahnya tu pastri atau serbuk biskut tu sempurna. Yang lain makan burger dan minuman mereka yang biasa.

Itulah kisah lepak luar kami Alhamdulillah, menapak 5km, sepotong kek serta makanan lain dan menyaksikan haiwan liar sebagai ganjaran, bestkan. 

Salam Khamis❤️


  1. seronok minum petang di tepi tasik...makan berebut dgn anak lg meriah..

    ada pula biawak air tgh racing..hihi..

  2. Gracias por la receta adoro los pasteles. Te mando un beso

  3. Hi I loved the video and photos, yum we love cheesecake yours sounds delicious

  4. tak tahu kenapa saya tekan play tapi video tak keluar. mungkin saya sahaja. YT macam tau-tau saya takut dengan biawak

    1. Sal belakang rumah akak kat kampung biawaknya besar-besar dah nak macam anak buaya je. Tapi bila kita agah je mencicit dia lari...agaknya mencari makan kut

  5. Penat-penat lepas itu makan memang nikmat.

  6. Save me a piece, please :-) Haven't had a cheesecake in ages and you have me crave one!

  7. aku jadi terbayang cheescake dengan potongan apelnya creammy.. cocok dimakan di hari yang sedang berhujan dengan selingan minuman hangat hmmm yummy...

  8. I see you enjoyed the ride: walking and eating a delicious cheesecake

  9. I would like to know in which languages ​​you write on your blog in addition to English

    1. The second section, I use Malay Language. Thank you Norma :)

  10. The video is beautiful. Wow, you had a beautiful walk that ended with food.

  11. I like to eat the mcd apple crumble cheese cake. Eating food in the car is fun. Once I even ate durian in the car with my friend. Very nice walk in the rain. Very lovely place with all the greens and the wildlife. 👍

  12. Hola!! El pastel tiene una pinta deliciosa y qué paraje tan bonito. Besos!!

  13. ammi pun pernah simpan hasrat nak berholiday di dalam caravan.

  14. Best kan kalau berjalan ala-ala bercaravan je macam orang pi travel kat NZ. Cari port tepi tasik lepas tu masak-masak sambil makan dan bercerita. Feelingnya memang ohsem sangat

  15. Sedapnya Apple Crumble Cheesecake.

    Setuju, makan 'berebut' ni buat lebih teruja. Hehe
