

October 29, 2021

Secret Recipe's Fish | Ikan dari Secret Recipe

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :)

English version and one minute video :)

Breakfast must go on. | Sarapan mestilah dilalui. 

Simple as it is. | seringkas seadanya. 

Accompanied by coffee, I enjoyed myself by simply making it to pass the neutral mood moment. Night before one kid wanted to eat macaroni cheese and another red sauce pasta. I decided to purchase from a restaurant Secret Recipe and chose Fish and Chips for me.

The fish and chips came with two slice fish, I ate one at dinner, and kept one for morning. 

Cut half for my other half and decorated nicely with vege toppings for me. It was nice with raisins and they stacked together. I tried to tilt up and down it was kind of stable for party food :). 

I saw zebra dove or merbuk bird outside like wanting food, sometimes it made sounds like asking, we were back feeding birds again.

Thats little joy for around breakkie, what little things amused you?

Peace Friday❤️

Bertemankan kopi. saya menceriakan diri kononnya kreatif menghiasi sarapan sesambil ketika nuetral mood. Malam sebelumnya seorang anak nakkan cheese makaroni and yang satu lagi nak sos merah. 

Saya buat keputusan untuk membeli dan pilih ikan dan cip kentang untuk saya. 

Ikan dan cip kentang datang dengan dua keping ikan. Saya habiskan satu, tinggal satu disimpan untuk makan pagi. 

Untuk sarapan, saya potong separuh, diberi kepada dear suami. Setengah lagi dihiasi sayur berkismis dan bahan melekat elok pula, Alhamdulillah. Cuba juga terbalikkan separuh jalan, nampak stabil, boleh lah buat makanan majlis :) 

Saya nampak burung merbuk di luar seakan singgah makanan, kadang ia berbunyi macam meminta makanan, kami kembali aktiviti memberi burung makan. 

Itulah kegembiraan yang saya lalui secara kecilan semasa bersarapan, apa pula perkara ringkas yang mengembirakan kalian? 

Salam Jumaat❤️


  1. Simple, but satisfying and delicious!

  2. Sarapan is kewajipan jugak bagi sayaaa.. Kopi pun menyelerakan jugak tuuu

  3. Sama minum kopi dan sarapan terus rasa ceria. Hehe sebab sudah kenyang.

  4. I love reading about your meals animals and birds are so wonderful to watch aren't they?

  5. Children love birds! I tell you that I couldn't open your video, please notice

  6. Congratulations! I just watched the video. It is excellent especially when you show the sandwich.

  7. Looks Simple, tasty and comforting.

  8. Gostei bastante! :))
    Não é fantasia nem invenção
    Beijos e um excelente fim de semana.

  9. Genial receta, te mando un beso

  10. Lama juga tak menikmati fish & chips. Sedap dan menyelerakan lagi lagi ada extra salad. Kalau saya, tengok pokok pokok hijau dalam rumah pun happy dah :)

  11. Cuba resepi baru or hasil kan sesuatu yg lain dr kebiasaan can make me happy

  12. Memang seronok mengolah leftovers menjadi sarapan. Ada sahaja idea asalkan perut kenyang

  13. After reading this, I want to order fish and chips from secret recipe tomorrow. Really enjoy your video with the bird in the beginning and all the green trees at the back. Where do you live? So much greenery, so very nice!
