

October 28, 2021

Broccolli with condiments | Brokoli dengan bahan sampingan

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :) 

English version and one minute video below :) 

Thinking of griling or frying.   Memikirkan nak goreng atau panggang. 

Hoped the inspirations came along while cutting the orange. | Harap dapatlah inspirasi semasa memotong buah oren. 

Cut broccolli and stirred fry it coz  thought frying would be faster. The main food was broccollli, not  fancy eating condiments.  

Opened the freezer found frozen cut salmon from previous steamboat preparation, grab that, then saw, salami that kept it frozen too  because didn't dare to finish it the week it was open due to high sodium. 

Defrosted them and fried them as well together with capsicum that was cut for sticking at the end of the wooden skewered salmon or chicken for picnic. 

Bought a chocolate cake from Mahnaz, and cut it as desserts.

Love the breakfast out of appetizer mix quarter of main plus dessert. All in one, got to have it again :) 

Love always❤️

Potong brokoli dan goreng sebab rasa ia lebih cepat dari memanggang. Makanan utama ialah brokoli, tak kisah makan dengan apapun. 

Buka peti ais, jumpa potongan  salmon yang lebih daripada persediaan berkelah, capai je lepastu ternampak salami yang sengaja dibekukan sebab kemasinannya tu tak berani nak abiskan minggu bila ntah. 

Nyahbekukan semua dan goreng bercampur capsicum yang dipotong masa buat stimboat. Ya untuk cucuk bahagian akhir di lidi agar ayam atau ikan tak tergelungsur jatuh. 

Beli kek coklat dari Mahnaz, potong kek sebagai pencuci mulut. 

Sukalah sarapan dari sajian pembuka mulut campur suku hidangan utama termasuk manisan. Semua dalam satu, nak makan macam ni lagi :) 

Sayang selalu❤️


  1. Hi!
    Great post, honey, and this video! You are very inspiring, great blog :)
    Greetings from Poland!

  2. sounds delicious! I love salmon

  3. Looks so inviting! Salmon is always a good idea :-)

  4. Cantik plating. Rajinnya akak pelbagaikan menu sarapan. Takdelah jemu. Tak pernah lagi makan brokoli as breakfast

  5. Should try this kind of food for brekkie. Tgk menggelupur ke tidak family ammi nanti hahah

  6. Good idea .. broccoli and salmon ... great.

  7. Suddenly I'm missing the breakfast buffet at hotels..🥺😫

  8. Suka sauteed brocolli..

  9. Amo el brocoli, gracias por la receta.

  10. Rajin hias pinggan nampak menarik untuk dimakan.

  11. We consume broccolli alot but this combination looks so different.

  12. Masak je guna apa yang ada. Nampak sedap tu kak. Rajin buat food plating :)

  13. I love to eat both broccoli and salmon so your breakfast is very suitable for me. 👍 Looks so pretty too on the plates.

  14. Brokoli buat sarapan satu menu yang sihat. Rebus buat sayur chapchai sedap sekali
