

January 23, 2014

"I praised the Prophet SAW for peace in me and relief to live"

To give birth to my lovely daughter Fadya who was born 12 Jan 2012. Praising Prophet made it easier for me to go out of a painless and uncomfortable situation to give birth to a beautiful baby girl. Alhamdulillah. It was planned birth date but it was the due date that nobody knew but me, that was very uncomfortable and slow preparation from the hospital. I was due but the thing was the nurses thought it was a plan and could take it slow that was challenging for me. I praised the Prophet with my heart that I could go through this. My lips kept praising, my heart consoling me that a human could make it and meant to make it like the prophet too. Getting done with it it was not easy as it was not in our hand to push others to make the progress fast but only with doa. I got calmed with the doas and praising to let the time came fast for me to go through the waiting time that  I anxiously waited for 9 months and to comfort myself by praising to SAW just for few minutes or hours it did not matter as long as my baby and me would be safe. Exhausted, excited and I asked from Allah to redha for me to Enjoy the gift He granted to me.

Last week we celebrated Fadya 2nd birthday. It was ad-hoc gift from my sister and my brother which hosted by my nephew, the dinner was meant for brother who is posting to San Jose for a new job, so it was a See you later dinner plus a small cake to mark the birthday for dearest Fadya. I love you and everybody loves you, shayang mama ni shangat-shangat ni..
Slice of cake for a great party


  1. semoga si comel membesar sbg anka yg solehah..

    thanks singgah dan komen kat blog saya

  2. How great the experienced to get her and miracle the baby turn to 2yrs already:)

    Happy 2nd birthday Fadya sayang...

  3. Salam Jumaat Babypose ;)

  4. Assalamualaikum .. sekejap dah berlalu 2 tahun tu. semoga Fadya membesar dengan sihat dan jadi anak yang solehah. in shaa Allah (",)

  5. Subhanallah, such a cute and lovely daughter...yes, we can feel the inner strength by praising Allah SWT and Prophet SAW..

  6. Hug and kisses from Umi Qi to my beloved fadya....awesome girl...happy 2 years dear....great celebration with a slice of cake...yummmyyyyyyyyyyy

  7. sweet & so cute, time fly now kan,,, sekejap je masa berlalu, dh membesar didepan mata !

  8. Sekejap masa berlalu kan...kejap je dh dua thun...

  9. happy belated birthday Fadya!!
    be a good daughter to your parents dear..
    and may Allah swt bless you..=)
