

January 22, 2014

"I have a blessed 2014 in bliss and must seize it"

Tuesday, 14 January 2014 - the date i composed...

Though it was the first week of school and I was figuring out how to make Faiq back into the system of a school schedule and mood. I bumped with a new teacher and told me that Faiq is kind of different kid, he walked around with food in hand and the other kids follow him. He showed that he knew what he's learning, and expect something new.

The teacher said she wants my permission or green light for her to raise her voice with Faiq. If the next day Faiq hesitates to go to school I have to explain it to him that the teacher scolded him because...

I spoke to teacher that the teacher need to get him into the school or learning environment or atmosphere as this is the first week of school. At the back of my mind, I know it is not easy to handle many kids. I told the teacher make it clear to him that he needs to sit while eating and let him know that his peers ( usually the girls) are doing the same.

As I recalled I send Faiq to school is first to get him to have peers for him to learn from. I believe kids learn from friend of their age. So since school holiday, I also took leisure off thinking of school, I got panicked too.

So the teacher said ok for us to get him to school first then only get him interested in sitting down to learn not stray to explore during class.

I feel and focus of what I will fascinate about this is to get Faiq most improved student this year of 2014.


 after sport's day 


  1. faiq ni seems to be intelligent, clever and always try to venture into new things kak... good for him...

  2. InshaAllah Farah, kena fokus kat budak2 sekarang ni...hold dulu aktiviti lain, tak sempat pun :)

  3. mmg payah nak dpt balik rythm ke sekolah lepas lama cuti. Lagi payah bile anak xnak sekolah mcm anak sy skrg..penat pujuk hari2.

  4. assalam anak2 yg aktif biasanya sangat bijak jd kena banyak bersabar sya Allah...

    1. i believe he will bloom on his own time... all kids do.. :-)

  5. alhamdulillah nampaknya dia ada mnat belajar tu
