

March 23, 2013

Hair care/Jom jaga rambut

Please scroll for english version. Thanx:)

Saya lebihkan senam tunduk kepala ke bawah supaya darah mengalir lebih ke kepala dgn posisi ini. Rambut lebih sihat. Berdiri tegak, nafas, angkat kiri separuh bersila, tangan kiri berpusing dari blakang. Perlahan2 bongkokkan badan. Tangan kanan menapak di lantai, bernafas 5x. Untuk saya memikirkan ttg senam adalah anugerah  yg dipinjam yg perlu disyukuri. Tips: sebelum memakai tudung, sikat rambut belah tepi atau tengah, letak pin rambut. Ikat rambut dari bawah dgn pin yg ada net sanggul. Gulung dan pusing rambut masuk dlm net. Pasti anda dapat rambut cantik bila buka tudung.lurus dari atas beralun dibawah dan bekas ikatan pun tak ada..

I love doing foward band. As the blood tend to flow more to the head. And relax the neck. Stand upright..bring left leg bend to half lotus, grab toe with right hand from behind. Bend down, stay in the position with 5x breathing. For me working out on our body is showing gratefulness as its a gift that we care the most. Tips : before wearing veil. Comb hair, give side spilt or middle, pin hai. Tie hair low with hair pin that has net below. Twist n fold hair inside the net. For sure after the veil is opened. The hair flow straight from top but slightly curl down. Good thing theres no obvious tie shape left.

With love,


  1. sis, berapa harga net sanggul tu?

    *thanks for the nice tips. :-)

  2. Hi sis, rm5.90 mcm tu je. Welkam ;)

  3. Salam kenal. BabYpose, akak will do this exercise frequently. tq for sharing...
