

October 2, 2009

Success (Steven Spielberg), Untitled ?

I can't think of a better title. Oh...Hope the title leads you to more understanding of my entry :) First off, I had a very good Eid-ul Fitr. I was hybernating for awhile :) can't help, like trees for months in a year just to escape the brutally cold winter. Especially during ramadhan hybernating conserves energy that's how I'm laying back as I'm sharing energy with someone in me.

During festive days, my eyes are so heavy, in the car, I snoozed fast like a screen saver but at least screen saver wakes easy when the mouse is moved.

Now I'm back, awaken, eyes wide opened. Ready to hook to the keyboard, would like to be hooked at the piano keys though with Richard Clayderman's melodies, so soothing leads to relaxation. What goes around, comes around back to hybernating lol.

Back to the success of my brother who I am proud of. He is in the newspaper cutting. He made the right decision to learn foriegn (Japanese) language to further his study. His English was average after 11 years like all of us learnt in school. He knew his weakness and yet wanted to further study in overseas, he chose Japanese. He made history in a big Japanese organisation in Tokyo after had studied in Hiroshima. Now his daughter continues to master Arabic language.

My younger brother's ambition was to be Steven Spielberg, after saw the movies ET, Goonies, Raiders of the Lost Ark. When he came up to be a films producer, first time I heard that in the circles of family members. Til now,I have never heard among youngsters I've hanged around with, wanted to be films Producer, that means, he was genuine in his thinking but he had ended up an Engineer.

In Asian culture atleast in my family as I see, success is not what you are today but the children continues to be success that counts. If not so,they made their success that lead the generations, they make their name famous in a way, having a book eg : Herbs Dictionary leads to a new coming book, conducting class or being an owner to well known Restaurant or Merchant's place for the generations to continue. Or having a genuine classic way of living.

Having materials showed success in some ways, for having associations with the people like that is some kind of success too :) Let them think we are less, that's a reversed soothing psychology or what. Whatever makes you happy that is a success in life.

My dad didn't succeed in the blogging world, the world out there is much interesting for him. Outing, sipping coffee outside, heading to the city is still is his cup of tea. For those who had been in the blogging era, congratulations as this ways you all had shared the outside world with others here. New things are here to explore together.

by the way...

My husband just started blogging, not many posts posted in his blog but his view complete profile amazed me " He inspired by che-det blog number of visitors, he starts to blog, trying his luck to emulate that ex-numero uno, top banana, big kahuna dude". Good luck to him.


  1. I'm truly impressed with your memory and the things you saw then, when you yourself was a baby.

    Look forward to your next post! Oledi.

  2. Salam Babypose,

    Selamat Hari Raya. It's been awhile since I last visited your blog :) Am really glad that you had a nice Eid and would like to congrats you for having such a successful family. Hopefully it'll be your turn soon, insyaallah.

    p/s: Is it okay if I link my blog to yours? I'll wait for your permission before doing so. Thanks!

  3. So there you are !!! About time. Nice entry. Nice and newsy.

  4. Hi Baby pose, congrats to your brother. Wow! Good for him exceeding everyone's expectations.
    And your hubby starting on his first blog? Good for him....wishing him every success.
    You have fun and keep well, best regards, Lee.

  5. Hi:)


    I am thrilled to see you come out of your hibernation.

    Good to have so many successful people around. Success is infectious. Who knows! It could be your turn to be successful.

    WHATEVER MAKES YOU HAPPY THAT IS SUCCESS IN LIFE. These words have profound meaning. After all what is life? Money, property, fame? If there is no happiness, what is the use of all these things? Well, I don't want to be philosophical:)

    We all strive for happiness, peace of mind and contentment. Believe me, these things are brief and passing. Blessed is he who can find everlasting peace and happiness.

    Let me wish you all happiness and success:)

  6. you like Richard Clayderman? omg. please play Ballade Pour Adeline for me!!! i love richard clayderman a lot!!!!

    i'm very weak in learning language. i think to learn languages you need to have talent :P

    i'm learning mandarin now... so it's kinda hard!!

    eh, share your husband's link please?

  7. Congratulations to your brother!

    and of course to your husband who have found blog world! Thank you for coming by to my blog and commenting too ^-^.

  8. Whatever makes you happy that is a success in life.

    Couldn't have said it better myself! And perfectly accurate! You are beautiful indeed and your blog is terrific! I subscribed and I will be back!

    Thanks so much for stopping by Casa Hice for a visit and leaving a comment. I appreciate you spending time with me and hope you will come back soon and leave more footprints on my welcome mat!

    Alixandra Hice

  9. A most interesting and enjoyable post. I too like Richard Clayderman I saw him a few times in concert.


  10. babYpose, thank you for wanting to play. I appreciate it. Your five words are:


    Looking forward :)

  11. BabYpose when it snows I promise I will post a picture. I am hoping not to soon. I am sorting pictures and will post one of those until our first snow. You have a right to be proud of your brother.

  12. You must be proud of yr brother who had succeeded in Japan and yr niece who is now master in Arabic language. Congrats!

  13. Hi, Thanks for the visit and lovely comment,
    actually I have 3 children , my eldest another son who is in remission from cancer,is wonderful and a credit to us all.
    Thought I would let you know.

  14. I enjoyed your thoughts on success.
    Hope your husband has fun with his blog.

  15. You have such a marvelous blog. My sincere congratulations to your brother, my best wishes to your husband in his efforts, and my warm appreciation to your father who knows what pleases him. And, of course, my gratitude to you for your caring heart.

  16. Hey sweetie, did you see the snow pictures I posted for you?? Very early for snow even here in Nebraska. I like your entry.
