

September 13, 2009

Food for thots during Ramadhan

My taste buds is kind of different kinds. I would go for delicacies of cow brain, cow tongues...I know it didn't sound very delicious but it is delicacies that I'm into more than goose liver or cow liver.

I know I got that kind of taste buds from my dad. We could be Carnivors and Herbivors. He would prepare bone merrow soup for our festival. Grilled cow stomach with chillies juice with lemon or tamarind extract. Supposedly reading about food, you would be drooling but not this time.

We would go miles to find squid eggs cooked in coconut milk. That's was my childhood taste bud that I carried it til now. Off course as I grew older with changes in my taste buds, I mingled with friends, relatives of different background. That's how I picked up various food. I fell in love with fish Cod grilled or broiled. I remembered I went out with my parents and brother, she had Cod, her lips swollen as she is a fish oil alergy. We also had raw oysters was very good then scallops. I could still taste them on my lips.

When travelling with my brother or husband, we usually had Japanese food, sea urching will be ordered first. Then escagort in Tapas ways of setting we would go next. If it is in Europe wild mushrooms was must have either breed salmon or wild salmon, we care only food.

After my gym we stopped for avocado juice and crab salmon meat as we wanted to maintain healthy right after the worked out but later on, back to normal, coconut rice, mee curry were on the lists.

During ramadhan we supposed to be moderation in our food desire but as human being, it went the other way round, more desire not just on eating but feasting.

We family sat at the living were thinking of what to have during breaking the fast. I told dad, how about ox tail soup, dad was excited but going low and said you guys go ahead for it as it is good for those who are not affected in their blood. It means the blood had affected with the unnecessary mineral like too much sodium that caused high blood pressure. Then countered my mom said when it is affected it is too late like you(dad) and she corrected like us. I was kind of feeling pity of my dad when mom said like that to him but he smiled and said it is true. He said his breakfasts every morning in those days were half boiled eggs, french toast bread with egg sugar jam (sri kaya) at Kopitiam. If it's not half cooked eggs, he would take coconut milk rice with spicy anchovies or indian bread with lamb curry.

My dad is a high taste person, he was brought up in an educated family that was not poor or rich. He went to Malay College KK (MCKK) the best state high school consisted with high end students of big shots parents. The problem was according to my grandpa who was a high school Headmister, my dad came back from the school breaks with demands new things everytime, the first time was he wanted a camera then went on with branded sport shoes. Grandpa said that he sent him to the best school to be groomed to be somebody academically as he himself was qualified for it, supposedly to study hard in academic not to learn fancy stuffs from his peers. Sighing late grandpa.

My dad always wanted the best for me, he got me an Alba watch when I was in early primary school. Most of my friends used Mickey Mouse watches or cartoon characters brandings. I wasn't satisfied as friends said I wore my mom's or somebody's watch everytime :(

My mom had an opposite lifestyles where she got the biggest size shoes from 7 years old til 12 years. She was like a cartoon herself, she said with a bigfoot that she had to wear them for 6 years, but that was the vision of my maternal grandpa to buy one pair of shoes per primary school life.

Okay back to family gathering at my parents' living room...After prepared basic dinner, we went out to look for something which is not easy to prepare at home. We went to the food bazaar at a mall. I saw dad was sitting at the Teppanyaki bar as if he was waiting for the food to take out. I walked around and got myself Char Kuey Teow, chinese fried flat mee. Mom was strolling and searching. Then I saw dad at the Hong Kong Duck rice with shrimp dumplings and asked him what happened to Teppanyaki, he told that they don't prepare take away. I was mumbling upsetting and kind of finding it hard to believe it take out or eat in is our choice. We went round and round then got home.

During dinner, we really enjoyed it, I told dad better skipped this oilly gravy, as it better having the cholestrol in the crab than in an oilly gravy. Dad was just laughed. We were about to finished eating.

Mom with high voice said to my dad, " Here's your "cholestrol", you haven't eaten, just now you insisted me line up in a long queue for it, better finish it. It was sticky rice, coconut filling, mom called it dad's cholestrol. Poor guy :)

While I am typing this, I got a text message from my mom asked me about my plan for our festival. I paused typing and called her, she is at the Mall waiting for my dad shopped for Dockers pants, I said wow dad was really looked forward to our festival Eid ul Fitr, then I asked mom, what has she got there then, she said nothing, I continued get something would be enjoyable than just waiting for dad to shop. She told me earlier on that she did not plan to buy new clothes as she's going to wear the previous clothes she had that she seldom wore and some my sister had bought for her. That was a formal traditional suits, I guess she supposed to get something casual blouse atleast one or two, then she finished the conversation with Cashy none because now try Economoney :) Oh mom sweet mom :)


  1. Hmm.. The post about food make me think of lots of food as well, cause lately I've been glutony-ing myself.. :p

  2. i never tried sea urchin food. Some of my Korean friends are telling me to try it but I am scared lol..

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  3. Hi BabyPose:)

    First of all, let me congratulate you for the wonderful header photo. It is gorgeous and spellbinding! The rays of sunlight piercing though the foliage is absolutely fantastic. The place looks magical.

    This whole post is full of humor and I had to chuckle many times. The one in which your mum tells your dad to have his cholestrol is just too good.

    I can see all of you love to eat good food. But in spite of eating so well, I wonder how you manage to burn the calories and remain slim although you wrote that you are going to the gym.

    I have eaten cows brain and tongue and also bone marrow soup when I was young. I have also eaten fried cow fat. Have you tried that?:)

    I enjoyed this very humorous post. If this is what you are eating during the fasting period, I wonder what you will be eating on the feast day:)

    Wish you wonderful fasting and feasting days:)

  4. BabYpose, I love your blog. The food you speak of is entirely different than I have eaten. I am not sure that I could eat some of it. But I bet I could try if given a chance. I now have 2 blogs. My usual one and one called Day to Day life starting oit with my child hood. I have missed you.

  5. Hi Babypose, Holy Smoke, you love those delacies? I guess I am not that adventurous where food is concerned. Guess will stick to ones I'm familiar with, ha ha.
    Interesting family background you have.
    Have fun, best regards, Lee.

  6. Hi Babypose, you are far more adventurous with food than I am. My diet is boring compared to yours. I was fed tripe and lambs brains as a child; mum did the best she could with the little she had - she never failed to offer us a meal every night. Enjoy your festival, I'm sure the feast is something to look forward to.

  7. Hi babY-pose, love your header, it's beautiful!
    I never taste those food you mentioned and I also don't have any idea where to get it :)

    Hari Raya is just a few days away! I am sure you are busy preparing everything for the festival.

    Last but not least I wish you and your family "Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri".

  8. omg. i think those parts of animal you mention is very unique ;)

    even though you say your dad was raised by a not poor and not rich family, i still think the family is at least above average :) sorry to say i think he is from a wealthy family.

    haha! they said you were wearing mom's watch? but i think it's true as the brand is for matured people not for kid. but he actually has trained you to be somebody since you were in childhood.

    omg. now, i think your dad is a handsome man. the wear he dress really impress me! careful, woman out there might try to seduce him! :D

    ah, i love tepanyaki so much! i guess you didn't miss the previous post in my blog right? :)

    mom said that because she is worry about her lovely life partner. but at the same time she feel sorry if she didn't give your dad his favorite food. so she make it clear for both feeling.

    great post! i really enjoy reading it.

  9. If you go to my blog there is now a click on at top of page that if you click on it you will go directly to my Day to Day Life blog. I saw that you stopped in my regular blog and that made my day. If you do go to my new blog will you click on followers. Spunky is lonely over there and needs to see you.

  10. Thanks for stopping by. Come back and let me know how you found me. Hope to see you more often.


  11. Thanks for visiting me at Delights of the Heart. I loved Michael J. Fox in that movie. Thanks for the reminder. Have you done any skating? If I weren't the age and body I am I would certainly take it up and include surfing. I worked for awhile on skating clothes for a major shoe company and it was so fun to see the humor of the skaters we did clothes for.

  12. Hi!
    It's me again---not a problem with the locating question, just curious. :)

    Thanks for joining as a follower-it's great to have you on board. See you soon!!


  13. I love cow tongue. My grandma used to make the best.

  14. wah...all the cow stuff?

    Well..yes our taste bud change over time. Today I am eating what I did not want to eat when I was small. For example, bitter gourd and Kailan. Ahaks!

  15. I grinned all the way. Looking forward to your visit. We go eat all those weird foods :)

  16. babYpose Thank you for visiting my blog. You and Rowe, Ocean Girl and you young people are such a comfort to me, as well as everyone else.

  17. Hi Babypose, just dropped by say hello. Best regards, Lee.

  18. I don´t know others but for me yes I love cow brain masak lemak chili padi, and after reading yours, I am longing for usus (tali) lembu panggang, which is my fav since childhood. Usually during raya, my dad will prepare it for me, yet since 2 years ago, nothing. Not that he forgets me, but if he post it to Barca, by the time it arrives, it will turn to yogurt cheese maggots that not meant to be eaten at all. Alahai, rindunya nak raya kat Mesia.

  19. Hi baby-pose,just drop by and say hello. I never eat a cow brain before... only the chic brain he he..:-).
