

July 13, 2009


Mother, no one bothers, just look at the camera, I want to have a picture of us together :)

That's the picture of us three and mom as usual is being mysterious and yet kind of slippery, can never be caught in most photos taken. She is getting wiser this weekend and she likes to keep it for herself but I'm broadcasting about it. Just a bit, not all of it, mom deary. Mother is in the picture behind the two palms at the palm trees in Langkawi. You are playing hide and seek eh :)

I'm writing this because you always linger in my mind and I always smiled when I think of what you told me " Dad was nagging about something and you just said to him that you can't hear him a thing but you could see that he's not happy with something because his mustache was moving up and down, out and in.

I wish you the best wishes, happiness on your coming birthday and may I remind you that life is a gift, let's giving it with full thanks, gratefulness this time with a big cake with many candles. We do it with friends around, grandkids, as well as relatives and you are the centre of attention. Deal? I doubt it ;)

PS: Dad, you have the best woman on earth.

Mom, You little camera shy but you're my greatest SOS. I love you.


  1. AnonymousJuly 13, 2009

    Love this post. My mother is the same way. Maybe it is a mother thing? Happy week to you.

  2. Thank you, Ocean Girl.

  3. My mom understand me inside out. Yes I mean it, inside out :)

    If someone ask me who got the 3rd eye or 6th sense, I'd answer mom. Mom could smell if we lie, if we sad, if we are happy, if we are hiding something, if we deny and the list goes on and on. But she sure knows who you are and trust you no matter what.

    That is mom.

  4. Hi Sunshinemeg,

    Thanks for visiting. I guess it's a mother thing to save our soul in anyway possible. Stay shine :)

  5. Hi Brian the Smarty :)

    I agree with you, in short mom is like SOS is an acronym for "Save Our Souls" in their prayers. Glad to see you're ere. Stay smarty ;o)

  6. Hi Chris,

    It's nice to welcome you here in my blog, not much of gardens tho :)Very cool to see you ;) Thank you.

  7. Welcome to my blog my friend, (I hope). To be a mom is absolutely the best and the worst at times. My blog explains about the worst. Your first born is our practice baby and when he gets older you apologize to him for making crazy little mistakes. It is a wonderful experience and I had 5 YES 5. 4 boys and 1 girl. Yes a saddle would have been nice when I was riding my pony but we never owned a saddle. Welcome any time. I hope you visit me again soon.

  8. Yes I'd agree with you that mom is SOS. What we need to do now is to cherish every moment with her. Expect that you only have one day with her to spend before she dies. So that you will always love her and show her your love.

    Human is tend to regret once it is gone no matter to the human, animal or thing.

  9. Hi Lucy,

    It's so great to see you are here. Sure I'll revisit you coz I wanna know what's left of a whole new life. A blog away, I'll find out :) You've been a great one of 5 kids, 9 grandkids, 10 great grandkids, a fat Spunky and of a Great Blog. Cool! Thanks, see you soon.

  10. Your mom only have one Brian :) She's proud of you for sure.

  11. BabYpose, I am just going to get back to normal today, I hope. My modem was down most of the afternoon yesterday. Your comment was so appreciated. yesterday and yes it was from far away, and I love getting comments from far away. I love your blog. You can just click on so many things and come up with new things all the time. I would not know how to do it. Have a great day!!!

  12. great pic!

    following your blog now, hope u can visit and follow me too.. thanks!

  13. Hi there, first time visit here... Hope you dont me following your blog, want to see and read some more...

    See you...

  14. Hi John and Chubskulit,

    Thanks for being here. I'm following you too, I was at Legazpi in Rose blog, never been there, now read about it. Cool, just a click away :)

  15. thanks a lot for visiting back and for following..

  16. Thank you so much Lucy. You've enlighten my day. I appreciate it so much.

  17. BabYpose,
    You are certainly very very lovely. Thank you for visiting. And your blog is just simply amazing. It is so wonderful that you still have both your parents. I miss my dad terribly.

    Lotsa love :)

  18. BabYpose,
    You are certainly very very lovely. Thank you for visiting. And your blog is just simply amazing. It is so wonderful that you still have both your parents. I miss my dad terribly

  19. Hi Ummi,
    Thank you for coming here and loving it, and leaving very lovely message that made my day. I'm sorry about your dad and in your prayers for him, both of you will be fine. Be well.

  20. You have been back several times and that makes me happy. We always have felt home is where the heart is. I should say I feel that way. I like to go, but not as often as I once did but CAN NOT WAIT TO GET HOME. You are great people. I just know. I feel it in my elderly bones.
