

July 16, 2009

Late Michael Jackson

I tried to skip Michael Jackson but failed to do so. I let him came into my life long time ago and stayed with me til late to let it past. His concert, I have gone. His poster, I've pasted. His death I've received text message from my mother followed by husband, then friends. His album, I've listened. His progress, I've followed. His songs, I've learned my English. His cassettes of different covers same songs from my nanny had kept my mouth shut that she had gone out while mother at work.

MJ was a boy born normal and turned up an unique extraordinary grown boy. He made his way from anonymous to world wide famous. He couldn't Beat it to his desire to have a new look every season. He was a Man in the mirror saw a Black or White up-close and personal . He couldn't be as Bad as he commited in a Smooth Criminal that made tons of money ending up a lot of debts I wasn't sure. He Heal the world and sang We are the world made it his name here. He was the oooh...the ahhh..the awwhhh kid. He is a Michael Jackson who still rocks the world. The show of him will never over.
The curious case that has yet to diagnose. Now I came to realise about him positively, I've written.


  1. One question:

    Do you believe that he took drug?

  2. nice post there about MJ... :)
    I'm not really his fan but I love lots of his song...

  3. An interesting post. I never cared for Michael Jacksons music or his sleeping with boys or the altering, the drastic altering of his face. I do believe he took vast amounts of drugs and that was his downfall. I believe drugs killed him. I also believe he was a torn, twisted individual who loved his mother and his mother loved him unconditionaly. That man could dance but he was twisted in his mind to do some of the things he did. Thank you BaYpose for your support in my blog.

  4. He was a tiny part of our lives, like it or not, believe it or not.

  5. Hi Brian,

    You mean medication? Question left a question about him.

  6. Thanks for being here Lucy. I wonder how does his mother feel about him. Just another curious case.

  7. Its nice to see you here Ocean Girl. Like it or not, someone had danced like him at the state library :)

  8. yeah but doc said he took a handful of it.
    you think its true?

  9. Hola. New follower. Are you following me also? :D

  10. Gracias, already a loyal follower :) You with great poems :D Thanks for being here.

  11. Hi Brian,

    Perhaps, overtime for healing or end up the opposite. Justy mystery.

  12. Hi Mysterious,

    Thank you. His songs made us move our seat. oops :)
