

July 11, 2024

Orange Juice | Avocado Toast

Jus Oren | Roti Avocado

                   Food Video

Sometimes I got derailed looking for sweet drink or sweet treats. I could forgot about juice, salad.

I'm back on my feet hehe.. when I see green, sending kid for basket ball training, I feel Im living a healthy life too but not yet exercise hehe 😅

Start with juicing first. Enter the kitchen grab fresh produce and click the juicer or cut salad into pieces.

From there add protein and carbo.

Two moments  of that I could find now but not salad. 

Orange Juice

Avocado Toast

Expert say eat savory in the morning to avoid sugar spike later on. We'll try 😊

One heart ♥️

Kadang saya terbabas mencari minuman dan makanan manis. Boleh pula terlupa tentang jus dan salad. 

Saya berbalik ke pangkuan diri hehe bila lihat hijau sayur, hantar abang ke latihan bola keranjang, saya rasa menjalankan kehidupan sihat tapi sendiri belum bersenam hehe.. 😅

Mula dengan menjus dulu. Masuk dapur capai bahan segar dan pasang mesin jus atau potong salad kecil². 

Dari sana tambah protin and karbo

Dua momen yang saya terjumpa tapi bukan salad. 

Jus oren

Roti Avocado

Pakar kata makan tak manis di hening pagi mengelakkan pengambilan gula selepas tu. Kita cuba 😊

Satu hati ♥️


  1. tadi LM baca katanya 2 minggu tinggal gula akan buat kita tak craving manis.LM nak usaha gigih la lepas ni

  2. I love avocados! Used to eat them daily.

  3. We need to exercise and stay in touch with family and nature.
    Avocados, zucchini, oranges, etc. They are part of my daily diet.
    (ꈍᴗꈍ) Poetic and cinematographic greetings.

  4. Semoga kita kuat utk cut sugar...healthy life..

  5. Escuche comentarios de que es mejor comer la fruta al natural que en zumos ya que estos tienen mas azúcar.


  6. Delicious recipe! I love avocados!
    Gros bisous

  7. Me gusto mucho la receta. Te mando un beso.

  8. I'm here to reciprocate your kind visit to ®DOUG BLOG.
    I liked your web space.
    A hug!!!

  9. Nak cuba buat avocado toast. Orang kata sedap.

  10. Olá, tudo bem? Obrigado pela visita.
    Ter uma vida mais saudável não deveria ser um obsessão, uma regra, deveria ser natural. Se nos impõe regras, fica difícil de

  11. Awesome! I love avocadoes! Happy Friday! Thank you for your comment!

  12. Beautiful breakfast. Hope you won't be on your feet all the time. I am sure the family loves your meals. Thanks for the tip about the sugar spike. All the best to you and your family.

  13. Says suka makan avocado 🥑 tapi susah nak pilih avocado yang betul masak Dan tak keras.

  14. This is a great breakfast.
    Have a nice weekend.

  15. A very healthy snack or breakfast. To make it more complete, add dried fruits: walnuts, almonds, etc.

  16. Toast dengan avocado memang fav saya. Kasih sedikiiiit madu supaya tak hambar. Sedaaap

  17. Lama tak makan avocado toast. Dulu rajin buat, saya suka letak poached egg jugak atas toast tu utk protein 😊

  18. suka jus oren tp nak buat kemain malas lg 🤣🤣🤣
