

July 17, 2024

Cream Avocado Tart (vitamin E)

Tart Avocado berkrim (full of vitamin E) 

                        No bake cake Video

Unable to buy ingredients weighing scale, use the old one where it's LCD screen is blurred..πŸ˜€

Need to weigh dates 100g, oatmeal 50g and assorted nuts 60g.

Chopped all, as I typed this, it's looked like smooth sailing journey but in actual moved here and there, even skipped too..😊

Prepare patchment paper on the tray, add the chopped stuff and add 3 tbsp coconut oil. Press well for good base crust. 

Get 3 limes, 2 avocados, 1 cup of fresh milk coz don't have heavy cream, 1/2 box of coconut milk. Blend all, add 2 tbsp honey and lime juice, strained the lime seeds. 

Yes, the layer of tart crust already placed in the fridge. The blended avocado is creamy, time to pour onto the crust that made of nuts, dates ala ground nut candy hehe..😁


Spread well the cream, leave it in the fridge, if wanna fast can put it in freezer. 

An hour like that, bring it to chill level, can served after that. Really willy delicious and yummy, feel healthy too. 

Happy greetings ♥️

Tak sempat nak beli penimbang bahan, guna yang lama di mana skrin LCD nya sudah kabur..πŸ˜€

Perlu timbang buah kurma 100g, bijirin oats 50g dan kekacang 60g.

Kisar semuanya, bila menulis ni bagai licik perjalanannya tetapi tergerak-gerak, terlangkau sana sini juga.. 😊

Sedia kertas minyak di loyang, masuk kisaran kekacang yang di masukkan minyak kelapa 3 sb. Tekan rata untuk jadi base tart

Sedia pula 3 biji limau, 2 biji avocado, secawan susu segar, separuh kotak santan. Mesin semua, masuk 2 sb madu dan jus limau, yang di tapis bijinya.

Ya lapisan tart tadi dah di masuk dalam peti ais, bahan blend tadi dah berkrim, tuang atas lapisan oat kekacang yang agak keras dan berlekat macam kacang tumbuk hehe..😁 

Ratakan krim, masuk dalam peti  sejuk, nak cepat letak di peti sejuk beku.

Sejam lebih, bawa ke bawah peti sejuk, bolehlah hidangkan lepas tu. Memang sedap dan lazat, rasa berkhasiat. 

Salam bahagia ♥️


  1. Looks like a perfect cooling dessert for the summer. Looks delicious.

  2. It looks great and probably tastes great . πŸ˜‹ 😍 Have a nice day!

  3. Alamak... nampak sedap sangat tu. Buatnya pun mudah dan healthy pulak tu.

  4. Mesti sangat sedap kerana ada kurma, susu, avocado πŸ₯‘, madu πŸ˜‹

  5. Pandainya, buat tart avocado πŸ₯‘, nampak cantik

  6. Rajin buat pencuci mulut sihat.

  7. I like to use avocado in no bake cakes too. Yours looks GREAT!

  8. Creo que lo mas difΓ­cil de encontrar aquΓ­ es la leche y aceite de coco.


  9. those looks soooo goooddd yummm!!

  10. Tak pernah makan avocado ni. Teringin juga nak rasa.

  11. avocado ni good for health tapi tu lah tekak ana belum pernah mencuba hehehe

  12. Walaupun I tak pandai mkn avocado tp nampak sedap la U buat Sis. It healthy as well.

  13. AnonymousJuly 18, 2024

    Yummy -Christine

  14. I'm a vegetarian and avocado gives me a lot of energy, best regards!

  15. The avocado tart looks delicious! I make an avocado pudding, with condensed milk and sugar added that could easily be used for the tart filling.
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment.

  16. Tart avocado.. Menariknya.. Nampak sedap. Mesti creamy kn

  17. The tart must be very good!
