

April 3, 2022

Breakfasts of many days | Sarapan dari beberapa hari

Bahasa dan video pendek di bawah :)

English version and short video below :) 

Homemade breakfast and by invitation to the shop |

Sediakan sendiri sarapan dan dengan dijemput ke kedai

Broccoli and carrots fillings tortilla, putu mayam,  potato chic fritters, , rice flour apam, flat bread.  | Tortilla isi karot brokoli, putu mayam,bergedil ayam, apam


The whole week of  last weeks, I had many types of meal that i myself could not make it at home. 

Sometimes I came home from sending kids, I stopped at the restaurant. At another time, I went straight back home fixing breakfast and then went out to accompanied my parents. 

The lists of breakfast were from southern asian, western and Asia below.:

Sandwic Tortilla

Roti Canai

Putu Mayam

Kuih Muih


Everytime I had meals at the shop, I ordered warm water and that made me feel guilty a bit.. since didn't need to pay much for their business. 

I have my own reasons coz I had to flush my sugary and carby intake after consume too much. I thought a lot. They are fine and well off actually and making tons of money :) Relax babe. 

Happy Sunday ❤️

Minggu lepas berbagai hidangan sarapan yang dinikmati Alhamdulillah. 

Kadang saya balik rumah dari hantar budak-budak ke sekolah, saya akan berhenti di kedai makan, atau terus balik sediakan sarapan, ada sekali tu keluar pula makan bersama parents bila diajak. 

Setiap kali bila menjamah di kedai, saya pesan air suam, yang tu yang membuat saya rasa bersalah kerana bayaran air kosong tak menolong banyak perniagaan mereka. 

Saya ada sebabnya kerana saya nak detox gula dan karbo yang diambil rasa terlebih makan. Saya ja yang fikir banyak..Mereka OK jer dan buat duit berton-ton :)  Bertenang babe. 

Salam Ramadan, ampun dan maaf. Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa buat sahabat semua yang berpuasa. 

Salam Ahad ❤️


  1. Salam Ramadhan...nampak best dan simple sarapan tu..bleh buat masa x puasa nanti

  2. Nice breakfasts...they are fit for the queen!

  3. Sesekali berhenti makan di kedai why not kan. Dapat mencuba pelbagai menu sebelum berpuasa.

    Selamat berpuasa kak :)

  4. I think it's delicious!
    Have a nice day!

  5. Olá!

    Preparar nossas próprias refeições e tudo de bom
    Pois sabemos direitinho o que estamos ingerindo e a qualidade
    com que foi feito e a energia que empregamos.
    Tenha uma semana iluminada.
    Abraços Loiva

  6. My friend, sempre com pratos maravilhosos, que deve ser uma delícia. Adoro!

    Desejo boa semana.


  7. No los conocía pero se ven muy ricos. Te mando un beso.

  8. putu mayam tu mkn dgn apa?

    p/s salam ramadan ke 2

  9. The breakfasts look really yummy. Thanks for sharing.


  10. Healthy to eat a variety of meals like you did for breakfast. A different meal each day.

  11. comel betul kak BP rasa bersalah sebab order air kosong sahaja. hehe. Insha Allah ada rezeki lain untuk mereka

  12. Serba salah jugakan minta air suam.
    Hehe sesekali makan di luar.

  13. Sayapun kalo makan di mana2 warung kah, resto atau kafe, selalu pesan mineral water. Bukan Krn paling murah, tapi memang terbiasa minum air begini daripada yg manis2 . Mungkin untuk kompensasinya, barulah order makanan yg menjadi favorit banyak pembeli di situ 😄. Saya rindu macam2 sarapan di Malaysia. Dulu saat kuliah Kat Penang, selalu suka coba banyak macam jenis sarapan di sana :)
