

March 28, 2022

Boost Juice at Genting Highland

Bahasa dan video pendek di bawah :)

English and short Video below :)

After a long ride, we need to stop. |

|Setelah berlama di dalam kenderaan, perlu berhenti sekejap. 

Pit Stop at Premium Outlets. 

| Hentian di Premium Outlets

After picked up Uncle, we thought of moving forward up north but he seemed wanted to explore around here.

It was a bright and beautiful day but became gloomy on the way to the high land nearby.

Went up to the peak, no one wanted to step down, even lunch we made our way to a Starbuck drive thru only.

Then, the nature calling for one of us, I realised that we must take a break. But dad still wanted to sit. Was worry a bit, coz he sat for so long and it could make his legs cramp. 

Sure he will soon, so we took a break for prayers and drinks. 

We had 3 tubs of Boost Juice

Uncle bought Mango something, 

Adik had Cookies Creams while

myself enjoyed the juice that had ginger, sorry I do not recalled the names and it's proper menu. 

Boost Juice are made of frozen fruits, vege, roots. Sipping with straw and tasted the crushed,  delicious snow ice, melt in mouth tiny flakes, all natural with no sugar added. It was really rejuvenating after a long journey.

Regret abit no nice video. 

Happy Monday ❣️

Hari tu nampak cerah dan indah tapi tiba-tiba menjadi malap dan redup semasa perjalanan ke tanah tinggi terdekat iaitu genting. 

Naik ke puncak, tiada sorang pula nak jejak keluar, hingga makan tengahari pun nak duduk di suap kat pandu lalu Starbuck. 

Setelah ada seorang yang dapat panggilan semulajadi ke tandas, barulah sedar kami semua perlu rehat dan rawat terutama buat bapa yang tak nak turun. Risau juga sebab takut kakinya kejang. 

Takpa pelan-pelan dia turun, jadi kami turun rehat dan rawat bersolat dan minum-minum. 

Kami beli Boost Juice 3 tub. 

Uncle beli yang ada Mango

Adik minum Cookies Creams manakala yang empunya blog hehe nikmati jus campuran halia, sedih dan maaf kerana tak dapat bagi menu yang sempurna. 

Jus Boost ni terdiri dari buah buahan, sayuran serta akar (halia) yang disejuk beku. Menyedut dengan straw terasalah pecahan halus ais berkecai, ala salju, cair dalam mulut. Tiada bahan tambahan atau gula. Sangat menyegarkan. Kecewa juga dan maaf sebab tiada pic atau video jus yang elok. 

Salam Isnin💖


  1. Boost juice kat KL Sentral ni dah takde la..kat NuSentral pun xde....selalu beli sbb suka beli yang detox...

  2. Sounds like it would be a very productive and fun day for you!

  3. Olá!

    Vim retribuir sua linda visita.
    Virei mais vezes.
    Adoro viajar e toda viagem em muito nos ensina.
    Tenha uma semana Iluminada.
    Abraços Loiva

  4. lama tak minum boost juice. memang menyegarkan.

  5. hehhehe jauh minum juice buah tu ye :p

  6. jauh minum juice tu ye hehehe

  7. Wow, a nice drive up to Genting. Good to stretch legs a bit. And also for prayers.

  8. sounds like a fun day out-your drink sounds perfect for being out and about

  9. I like the way how the nature „presented herself” in the video. 😊
    Ginger is among the favorites - in any form.
    Have a nice week!

  10. Siempre una bebida ayuda a seguir. Te mando un beso

  11. saya kalau beli boost juice ni sy cari yg pelik2 sikit. hehehe contoh ubi bit campur nanas

  12. Belum pernah cuba boost juice ni. Ada halia macam tak berani nak minum. Teh halia pun tak tertelan. hehehe...Kalau buah buah tu mesti sedap.
