

February 12, 2022

DIY Apple Pie & Pizza

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :)

English and a minute video below :)

While parents visiting, I wanted to serve them something different. | Semasa ibubapa datang, nak juga jamu mereka yang lain skit.

Strive enuf to make it apple fillings from scratch. | Tungkus lumus juga buat isi epal dari mula

My parents came, sat for awhile, and later wanted to make a move back. So I kept the apple jam in the jar. For 2 apples, sugar plus cinnamon equals to 1 jar.

As the morning rose, I rolled the the bread slices and cut patterns with cookie cutter and filled with apple jam, baked them in the oven. Where I got all the ideas from? Youtubers :) 

The bread with apple fillings were not filling enough, so I laid the tortilla sheet and sprinkled the  premium ingredients at my standard, baked for 10 mins and ate them as second round breakkie. 

And I'm also glad to see a squirrel came and had the food that I put in the container which is hanged at the window outside. 

Happy Saturday ❤️

Parents datang, duduk dan nak gerak balik. Jadi saya simpan epal dalam jar. 2 biji epal, gula tambah serbuk kayu manis jadi 1 balang. 

Bila pagi menjelang, saya canaikan roti, corakkan dengan acuan biskut, bakar dalam ketuhar. Dapat mana la pulak idea macam ni? Warga-warga youtuber :) 

Roti berisi jam epal tidak dapat mengisi perut sepenuhnya. Jadi hampar kepingan wraps, tabur potongan premium piza "standard" saya, dan bakar dalam ketuhar, makan sarapan buat kali kedua Alhamdulillah. 

Dan seronok pula nampak tupai makan makanan yang diletakkan di dalam bekas yang digantung di luar tingkap tu. 

Salam Sabtu ❤️


  1. Apple jam made from scratch must be very fresh and tasty. It would be great for pastries, breakfast bread or sandwiches.

  2. Comelnya apple pie ada bentuk bentuk pada atas roti. Simple pizza tapi topping penuh. Puas hati makan. Pasti kenyang :)

  3. Bagusnya berkawan baik dengan tupai.

  4. tampak cute pada ataa roti ada bentuk bunga dan kupu kupunya kak...isinna memain mencicipi...have a nice day kak ^^

  5. Love that you made your own apple jam-yum enjoyed your vdeo
    Happy weekend

  6. gostei bastante desta receita-. Hummmm
    Sonhos moribundos
    Beijos, e um excelente fim de semana!

  7. Terus teringin apple nak yg McD punya,nak buat sendiri x reti

  8. Me parece genial lo de la ardilla pobrecita. Y me pareció muy rico tu pastel de manzana.

  9. Menarik idea pakai roti as pie crust. Lama tak makan apple pie tapi tulah malas keluarkan oven

  10. That looked very tasty and how nice that you had a get-together with your parents. I enjoyed the video also. Thank you so much!

  11. buat sdiri apple pie mmg puas plak bole extra topping..yummy

  12. Very good tips friend!
    I also take a lot of recipes from You tube!

    Have a nice week!


  13. Wow! Your apple fillings made by yourself sure is very tasty! Take good care, wishes to your parents too!

  14. mcm senang tp nak buat nya kalau yaya...haha

  15. Tengok apple pie babYpose terus teringin nak makan apple pie

  16. rahinnya diaaaa ada lg tak? ;-)
