

January 16, 2022

Egg and Salmon at Coffee Bean

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :)

English version and one minute video below :)

Lunch after chaos in the morning when dad has no clothes to wear when I accidentally put all in the washer | makan tengahari setelah melalui saat kelam kabut bila semua baju bapa masuk dalam mesin basuh untuk dicuci

Went to pharmacy to get some aid stock | Singgah farmasi dapatkan stok aid. 

Planned in the morning to go to the bank. Since all dad's clothes ended up in the washer, we decided to buy him shirt first. But then, we found one and only malay tradition shirt (baju melayu). Dad could come along afterall, and his mood turn better as to get a new shirt.

After we stopped at the pharmacy, yes..we chose the one that by the roadside coz we didn't want to take a long time there.

We tried to figure out a mall that was relatively 'quiet', and we found Quill mall that wasn't with too many people. Just right after the entrance is the H&M boutique. I was worry since it was kind of brandy and pricey clothes store, but turned out it was only about RM40+ for a nice shirt for dad.

Then dad gave us money, as a way to say thank you for bringing him to the mall for shopping. I tended to do the same like dad somehow, but some say 'no need, no need' refusing to accept it. OK by me.

Sometimes when we had a nice meal, I told my kids that this was from someone, whom I try to gave her/him money, but he/she refused. So, I assumed that they 'belanja' us (their treat) in a way.

Opps overboard. Grateful, we stopped for sandwich and pasta. It was delicious, and guess everybody knows it. 

Happy Sunday ❤️

Rancang di pagi hari, hendak ke bank. Dah sedar yang baju bapa semuanya termasuk dalam mesin basuh. Kami ingat beli baju dulu. Tiba tiba kami terjumpa satu-satunya baju iaitu baju melayu. Bapa boleh la ikut sekali, tapi dia dah 'terjebak' dalam mood nak beli baju baru. 

Setelah berhenti di farmasi, cari yang tepi jalan sebab tak nak duduk lama lama, lengang juga pagi-pagi di KL. 

Kami cuba cari mall yang lengang juga, nampaknya Mall Quill tak ramai orang. Di pintu masuk ja dah bertebung dengan pintu kedai baju H&M. Risau juga takut mahal, tapi tak pula cuma RM40 lebih untuk kemeja yang lawa. 

Bapa bagi duit dekat kami, sebagai tanda terima kasih kepada kami kerana bawa dia shopping kut, macamana pun saya terikut dengan caranya tu. 

Kadang kadang apabila kami makan makanan sedap, saya beritahu abang adik yang ni dari seseorang yang saya bagi duit, tapi dia beri balik atau ada yang tak terima, jadi ni kira merekalah yang belanja. 

Alamak terlebih cerita pula. Alhamdulillah kami berehat makan sandwich dan pasta. Memang sedap, boleh kata semua orang tahu. 

Salam Ahad ❤️


  1. Amiga gosto das suas receita, pois parece um prato muito saudável.
    Desejo a você e família, um feliz domingo.


  2. Egg and salmon are my favourites and they are so good for us! A good meal!

  3. Salam Ahad..kekdg kita mesti meraikan mereka yg ingin meraih pahala dgn belanja makan..

  4. Cantik hidangannya.
    Saya pun ikut berselera melihatnya.

  5. Suka juga ke Quill City Mall. Wayangnya terasa mewah dan orang tak ramai. Ni cerita sebelum covid la. Hehe

  6. Your breakfast looks very tasty, I also see that over there they continue to use the mask

  7. Nasib baik terjumpa juga kedai baju.
    Saya pulak pernah nak join hubby mancing dan bermalam di homestay, lupa bawa winter coat.. cari2 kedai baju semuanya tutup.

  8. Woow what a beautiful and healthy combination (eggs and salmon). Looks great,

  9. Tak pernah makan lg menu ni di coffee bean. Itulah kadang bg duit tp ada org belanja

  10. lama tk singgah coffee bean..tmpt fav...kalo menu slalunya order creamy

  11. Se ve muy rico el sanduche . Te mando un beso

  12. Nice post friend!
    It's a good combination, thanks for sharing.

    Kisses and have a good week.

  13. Alhamdulillah bapa gembira dengan kemeja dan tempat makan yang ada makanan sedap.

  14. Ada hikmahnya terbasuh semua baju, dapat juga bapa baju baru. Belum pernah cuba lagi menu coffee bean yang akak pesan tu.
