

January 6, 2022

Baked Potatoes with Bolognese sauce | Ubi bakar dengan sos spageti Bolognese

Bahasa dan video seminit  di bawah :)

English version and one minute video below :) 

Acknowledged that eating real food in their original form is good | Dapat pengetahuan yang makan makanan baik adalah dalam keadaan ia asal. 

So potatoes were chosen |

 Jadi ubi kentang terpilih

Since eating processed food was inevitable while I am outside, I tried baking potatoes just like that. 

Cut them into pieces, sprinkled with oil and bake for 25 mins I think, in the oven. Then, I scooped up the bolognese sauce from the dinner leftover and put on top of the potato wedges to eat it with. 

Kind of fusion and rare but simply tasty. Might try it like this again. Still on the 2021 throwback meal. 

Happy Thursday ❤️

Sejak makan makanan proses tidak dapat dielakkan bila di luar, saya cuba bakar ubi kentang dalam ketuhar macam tu jer. 

Potong ala kadar macam 'wedges', tuang minyak dan bakar dalam 25 minit kot. 

Ceduk sesudu sos bolognese yang disimpan dari makan malam untuk dimakan bersama. 

Macam makanan fusion dan jarang pula tapi sedap secukup rasa. Alhamdulillah. Mungkin nak buat lagi. Masih tentang hidangan tahun 2021 ni. 

Salam Khamis ❤️


  1. kalau dpt tabur cheese atas bake potatoes tu pn yummy

  2. Meat and potato are great together! This for sure makes a filling and delicious meal.

  3. Grazie per questa ricetta decisamente invitante.

    Buona Epifania.

  4. An excellent way to reuse bolognese sauce as it is generally used to serve with spaghetti

  5. Gostei muito da publicação! :))
    A vida são finos instantes que se aproveitam
    Bom Ano, e uma excelente tarde!

  6. I enjoy your recipes very much, thank youf or sharing them :)

  7. betullah. kalau makan luar memang tak dapat elak dari processed food. jadi cuba makan secara sihat bila di rumah

  8. Kentang ni diolah masak apa pun sedap. Suka makan kentang dibakar. Letak sos bolognese tambah cheese sikit pasti sedap.

  9. Itulah buat sendiri boleh tahu letak bahan apa di dalamnya.
