

August 8, 2021

Sushi Roll | PKP2020

Sushi Roll |PKP2020

Bahasa dan video kurang semint di bawah :)

English version and one minute video below :)

Sushi sedang digulung

Beras sushi disimpan, dalam video gulung mudah pun ada tercicir, salah kaedah? 

When the annoucement of PKP had passed, the usual routine had stopped but the food on the plate kept going on. Though food will be alerted by growling tummies, I'd like to make sure the food will always be on the table when it is eating time. Try lah actually hehe..

I bought the seaweed at grocers, I bumped into sushi rice early on, bought and kept it at first. Got the vinegar though, it's not really necessary but it did helped to make the rice less sticky. 

Abang and adik love sushi. I took a chance to make sushi together. It's kind of dangerous to try out something unfamilliar during lockdown because we could order food only at certain times, and after 5 pm or so the delivery would only be made after 8:30 pm I think. Once an order is made, you will need to wait, and it was not convenient at maghrib time. No one wanted to wait.  

I cooked the sushi rice, grilled chicken, since we didnt have cucumber, I took out salad. Adik was excited to do it and she took over during rolling time. She laid the sushi seaweed sheet, put the rice on, cut chicken on, salad, she rolled without salad instead. It is quite filling eating a whole sushi roll like that. The moment has passed, but it sure will be missed even now, it was nice, quiet and slow living. 

Bila pengumuman diketahui, rutin yang biasa terhenti tetapj makanan macam biasa perlu diteruskan. Walau tak sedia, pasti digerakkann oleh perut perut yang lapar untuk disediakan. Saya suka sedia seeloknya sebelum lapar sememangnya waktu makan. Cuba la hehe.. 

Saya beli kepingan seaweed di grocers. Ternampak beras sushi lama sebelumnya, terus beli dan simpan. Beli juga cuka walau rasa nya tak petlu sangat, rasa masam tapi untuk mengelakkan nasi melekat nak guna juga. 

Abang dan adik gemar sushi, saya ambil peluang buat sushi ni bersama. Memang bahaya juga mengeksperimen sesuatu waktu lockdown, jika tidak jadi mood boleh jadi down terkapai-kapai bila lapar. Order makanan pun waktu tertentu, menunggu satu hal, jika lambat lepas maghrib, gelap tiada sesiapa berminat nak menunggu.

Masak beras sushi, bakar ayam, potong ayam dan sediakan salad disebabkan tiada timun. 

Adik teruja untuk buat sushi, menunggu saja dulu. Bila semua disediakan baru serah tugasan, adik letak sekeping seaweed, letak nasi dan ayam serta salad. Dia gulung kepingan seaweed yang berisi tetapi terkeluar pulak salad nya. 

Sushi yang sempurna memang mengenyangkan sebab semua ada dalam gulungan itu.  

Masa yang lepas pasti dikenang, walau sekarang mengimbas kembali, tenang, sunyi dan tidak tergesa-gesa, bersantai perlahan waktu pkp yang lalu. 

Avocado Toast | Roti. Bakar Avocado

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :)

English version and one minute video below:)

Perlu pastikan buahnya ranum dulu

Jika masih muda buahnya, patut di buat apa tah la .. ulam kut

We did grocery online shopping a few days ago, when list out things to buy,  we thought of avocado. Early on, we bought some and we tried to plant it's seed. , We poke few tooth pick on the seed and let it float in the water as shown in youtube. Day by day we checked on it, it didnt show any sign of root coming out.

We thought to buy some again and try to plant it again. We bought three and they are kind of hard. They were not soft, but by the third day at room temperature, it's started to be slidely soft. I was thinking on making avocado toast.

As usual, the peel already darkened but was still hard; I have to took it out slowy. Then, I prepared toast, and while the breads are heating up, the avocado was ready to be sliced. I sat and saw everything was ready, sliced thinly, and lay them on the bread. I was already hungry but didn't take the chance to feed my mouth on the avocado slice hehe..

When it's full on one side of the toast, I sprinkled with bit of pepper and salt. Cover with another slice of bread, cut to two and another two for bite size, share with my other half, ate all, made another batch but didn't filmed it. We were so full with good avocado fat at breakfast! 

Have a nice day ❤️

Kami buat pembelian barang dapur beberapa hari yang lepas. Bila menyenaraikan barang keperluan, terfikir tentang buah avocado. Sebelum ini, dah beli sebiji dua, dan cuba menanam pohon avocado melalui bijinya. Kami cucuk empat batang pengorek gigi di tepi biji avocado  dan letak dalam bekas berisi air, biar biji terapung atas air seperti diajar di youtube. Hari-hari menunggu akar umbi tak keluar pun. Jadi kami cuba lagi dengan biji yang baru. frasa mahu cuba lagi, avocado yang diterima masih keras. Tiga hari selepas peram atas para, tengok buahnya semakin lembut. So semalam cuba kupas, nampak isinya elok, sediakan roti dua keping, letak dalam pembakar roti, sambil menunggu. Sedia piring. Naik saja roti yang dibakar, letak atas piring, mulalah potong nipis-nipis, letak atas roti. Bila roti dipenuhi potongan avocado, tabur sedikit garam dan lada hitam.

Terlangkup sekeping roti lagi, potong dua, dan potong lagi dua menjadi saiz kecil, dikongsi lagi separuh. Makan terus tak tunggu lagi, buat satu lagi set tak videokan, kenyang betul dengan lemak bagus avocado pagi tu. Alhamdulillah.

Happy Sunday ❤️