

December 25, 2021

Spaghetti Carbonara

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :)

English version and one minute video below :)

After we went to see swimming pool, dad wanted Fried Mee for Lunch. |

Setelah pergi tengok kolam renang, bapa minta Mi Goreng Mamak untuk makan tengahari

Due to Friday, the delivery is temporarily closed (based on my experience). (just started using shopeefood

| Disebabkan hari Jumaat penghantaran tutup buat sementara waktu (dah mula guna shopeefood) 

It was a beautiful day. We wanted to take parents for a walk down the park. After entering the elevator, we had second thoughts and remembered that the swimming pool level in the tower also had some open air space. 

We did sightseeing to the below view, and saw the other building's swimming pool. The swimming pool  area  of our building was still closed but the gym was open for use. 

I  also sat down, took a lot of photo of parents but Dad enjoyed the scenic view for awhile. It was still late morning going to 12noon I think, but my dad was getting hungry.  

He wanted south asian fried mee. We negotiated with him to eat Spaghetti Carbonara instead. He was okay with it. 

I bought a slice of chocolate cake and shared it with many people hehe.. 

My mother had a Bolognese Spaghetti and yes she preferred the red sauce over the white Carbonara. (To tight for me to do filming at the time). 

Both of them enjoyed pasta so much, but dad said it was a bit expensive. True. 

Happy Weekend & Holiday ❤️

Cuaca hari itu sangat baik dan indah. Rasa mulanya hendak bawa emak dan bapa saya jalan-jalan hingga sampai ke taman. Selepas masuk dalam lif, terfikir pulak lebih baik singgah ke tingkat kolam renang bangunan ini, dimana ada sedikit ruang terbuka untuk semua menikmati udara segar di luar. 

Kami pakat cuci mata dari  permandangan atas ke bawah, dapat skodeng kolam renang bangunan lain. Kolam renang di bangunan kami berada masih tutup, tetapi gimnasiumnya dah di buka. 

Saya duduk sekejap, dan ambil banyak gambar parents tapi bapa cuma boleh layan sekejap je. Masih awal rasanya tak sampai tengahari, bapa dah mula rasa lapar.

Dia minta mi goreng mamak. Saya rasa kedai banyak tak dapat buat penghantaran watu hari Jumaat ni kalau ikut pengalaman. Kami runding dengannya untuk makan Spageti Karbonara lagi. Dia terus okay je.

Saya beli sepotong kek coklat, dan berkongsi dengan ramai orang hehe..

Emak pula makan Spageti Bolognese, ya dia lebih suka kuah merah dari kuah putih Karbonara. (kelam kabut sikit masa ni nak ambil video).

Mereka memang suka makan pasta, tapi bapa kata mahal. Betul tu. 

Salam  Sabtu & Selamat bercuti ❤️


  1. Ricos espaguetis . Te mando un beso y te deseo una feliz navidad para y tu familia.

  2. Selamat berhujung minggu..saya pun suka kuah tomato for pasta...

    Sunken pool...nice view..

  3. saya suka pasta..tapi suami dan anak anak kurang suka..huhu

  4. I prefer Carbonara sauce :-) Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Tantissimi auguri di Buon Natale.

  6. fried noodle looks delicious.... yummy...
    Interesting video....

    # Wishing you a happy holiday

  7. Saya pun lagi suka bolognese. Sama selera dengan emak puan.

  8. Um delicioso prato!

    Amiga obrigada por compartilhar seus posts comigo em 2021 e espero estar-mos juntos compartilhando muito mais em 2022.



  9. Wah, mak ayah suka western food ye :)
    Kalau arwah mak PH, setakat rasa je, tak reti makan katanya.

  10. Mi goreng mamak pun tak kurang sedapnya dibanding pasta. Bagus Ayah sis citarasa tempatan

  11. Syukur masih boleh bawak bincang makan makanan western. saya geng dengan emak akak suka bolognese dan encik suami suka carbonara. Spaghetti memang mahal. mungkin sebab bahan bahan mahal. Nak memasaknya tak susah.

  12. Our kids love Spaghetti and we make it alot. Thanks for this new recipe. Merry Christmas and happy and healthy 2022.

  13. Saya juga lebih gemar bolognese berbanding carbonara. Sekali-sekala apabila inginkan kelainan, baru pilih carbonara 😊

  14. Good that your parents are flexible to eat pasta. My mother would also say all cafe food are expensive.

  15. Pasta memang kegemaan budak-budak. Carbonara rasa muak sikit tapi bolognese sedap sebab pedas sikit. Sesekali makan western pasta rasa macam kat Itali je. hehehehe
