

December 18, 2021

Rice with Shellfish/Clams | Nasi berlauk Lala

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :)

English Version and one minute video below :)

The high frequency of coming to downtown KLCC, visiting here, tend to neglect the view or scenery. 

| Dah selalu sangat kena turun ke pusat bandar KL menziarah, maka mula rasa tak endah lagi permandangan dan senario. 

Arrived, walked to the shop nearby. | Sampai, menapak ke kedai berdekatan. 

At the shop I saw massage chairs, and few foodstuffs like waffle, laksa etc being prepared at the counter. It was an exciting discovery actually. 

Walked along the trees, between the building and took a lift. It was lunch time and we intended to cook. We saw the shellfish or lala clams that were bought recently.

I took out the shells and boiled their sweet original taste muscle meats with ginger and lemongrass. There was a vege dish that was already cooked earlier as well. 

So we had lunch rice, vege and shellfish (lala). It was a tiring but satisfying day. 

Happy Saturday ❤️

Di kedai serbaneka tu, ternampak kerusi urut elektrik, dan waffle, laksa juga disediakan di depan kaunter. Penemuan berdekatan yang agak menarik juga ni. 

Berjalan di sepanjang pokok-pokok, dicelah celah bangunan, sampai masuk dan ambil lif. Dah hampir waktu makan tengahari dan saya rancang hendak masak. Nampak lala yang baru jugak dibeli. 

Saya ambil keluar isi lala dari kulitnya dan rebus manis saja dengan serai dan halia. Ada juga hidangan sayur yang telah dimasak awal. 

Jadi dapatlah kami makan tengahari, nasi, sayur dan lala. Hari yang agak penat tapi tetap memuaskan. 

Salam Sabtu ❤️


  1. Good morning, I really enjoy your videos. I have never made fresh clams, but I do have a couple of cans in my pantry to make clam chowder one day.
    Happy weekend Kathy

  2. Gostei bastante. Obrigada pela partilha! :))
    Na tua simplicidade de Mulher Guerreira
    Beijos, e um excelente fim de semana.

  3. I miss clams! Haven't had them in a while. Yours looks really delicious!

  4. Wahh harini ada menu nasi. Sedapnya lauk lala. Lama jugak tak membeli dan masak lala.

  5. Rico platillo te mando un beso

  6. lama tak makan lala...sedap tu

  7. Masak lala cara biasa. Huhu lama tidak makan lala.

  8. Realmente parece muito bom!
    Obrigada por compartilhar!

    Uma feliz nova semana .
    Um abraço

  9. Seafood rice is always tasty. So nice to be living in klcc area. I like that area but seldom go there.

  10. sedapnya lala. Saya pun suka.

  11. lala tu sedap tapi macam tak puas je kalau makan dia sebab terasa kulitnya lebih banyak dari isi. Aiyakkkk
