

November 10, 2021

Cabbage Roll with curry puff fillings | Kobis gulung dengan inti karipap

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :) 

English version and one minute vidro below :) 

Missing of pastry food. | Rindu makanan pastri. 

Eat the fillings without crust. | Makan inti tanpa kulit pastri.

I've been thinking of curry puff or chicken pie. Since I take vege more so, I rolled minced chicken with carrots and black pepper in cabbage leaf.

Fitst off, prepared the fillings which consists minced chicken, onion and carrots. Cooked it and put aside.

Then steamed the cabbage, let it soft for easy rolling. Once cooked, bring it out and lay flat. Put the cooked minced chicken  on it at the edge. Roll the cabbage like spring roll. That's it, done to eat. Hang on, since all the salad is finished, I cut orange, dates and figs to eat with. 

The taste of the rolls were not like pastry roll but the mind set it as healthy taste so it was nutritious and delicious:) 

Happy Wednesday❤️

Saya memikirkan samada untuk makan karipap atau pai ayam. Oleh sebab saya memakan sayur sayuran, saya mengulung inti karipap daripada ayam, lada dan lobak merah dengan daun kobis.

Mula mula, saya sediakan inti karipap yang terdiri daripada daging ayam cincang, bawang dadu dan lobak merah. Saya masak dan simpan. 

Kemudian saya kukus daun kobis untuk melembutkannya supaya mudah untuk digulung. Apabila sudah masak, saya keluarkannya dan letak rata. Kemudian letakkan inti karipap disatu hujung daun kobis itu dan gulungkan macam buat popia. Macam itulah caranya....Bila  Stok salad telah habis. Jadi saya pun memotong buah oren, kurma dan buh tin kering untuk dimakan bersama. 

Rasanya taklah seperti pastri gulung tapi tetapkan minda yang ia rasa untuk kesihatan, maka rasanya sedap dan berkhasiat :) 

Salam Rabu❤️


  1. Oh this sounds delicious-hugs

  2. Nampak sedap la...boleh kurus x kalau makan macam ni

  3. I love the curry puff filling. These look delicious.

  4. oh my... saya suka cabbage rolls, tidak kiralah apa intinya. Tetapi hendak buat tu malas :)

  5. Se ven muy ricos siempre me ha gustado los rollitos te mando un beso

  6. menarik juga. saya pernah masak begini tapi itulah kena pandai pilih kobis bersaiz lebar. kalau tak nanti susah gulung

  7. Stuffed cabbage dishes (both vegan and nonvegan) are our favourite. Also its pickle is so delicious. We cook it alot especially in this months (November, december). Your recipe looks great. I am sure it must be delicious with Curry puffy fillings. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Suka simple but healthy resepi yg sis share :)

  9. São alimentos muito rico.

    Tenha um bom fim de semana.



  10. Rasa hendak buat begini guna daun kobis. Terima kasih beri idea.

  11. I love to eat cabbage rolls but not many stalls sell them. Yours look absolutely delicious. They are in a different category so cannot be compared with deep fried popiah rolls or baked pastries.

  12. Banyak perkongsian masakan sihat dan berkhasiat di sini. Tq for sharing.

  13. Thank you for nice information
    Please visit our website.. . .

  14. Sedap juga buat cabbage roll dengan inti karipap ada isi ayam dan sayuran. menarik menu ni. kreatif kak :)

  15. Sedap juga kan isi macam ni. Sesuai dijadikan minum petang♥️

  16. Kobis gulung inti karipap. Bagusnya idea resepi. Sedap kan
