

November 27, 2021

Big breakfast McDonald For Parents

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :)

English version and one minute video below :)

At drive thru McDonald's we got big breakfast for loved ones | Di pandu lalu, beli big breakfast buat insan tersayang

No wonder food riders complained that they were scared to send food to their place because there were a lot of stray dogs| Patut la riders penghantar mengadu takut hantar makanan kepada mereka sebab  banyak anjing liar. 

Arrived at location, I went in to set the breakfast nicely as like at home. I took out everything then dad called that he wanted to eat outside. 

In my mind I wanted to set up at the greenery as it was better for filming aesthetically. I lost some time inside to pack back the food and bring them outside, dad as usual couldn't wait to eat, so I followed the flow. 

Set on the plain table and they ate immediately, I bought some for us too. Since they seem wanted to eat all, I surrender.  

While they were eating I saw keladi or yam plants (caladium) the other side of the fence, thought to plant them in pot and sell. 

They continue eating the pancake that was meant for me, I went to keep the portidge inside, I filmed cats that were strayed coz there were many stray dogs  (one was bitten by stray dog) , inside is best for shelter. 

Big breakfast consists 



Scramble eggs


MYR11.60 without coffee

MYR15. 60 with coffee

I saw a local snipe from inside and filmed that too. 

Ok I left them to get lunch, continue next post, I think :) 

Happy Saturday❤️

Setibanya dilokasi, saya terus masuk untuk menyediakan sarapan yang elok sikit macam di rumah. Keluarkan semua, terdengar pulak suara bapa memanggil nak makan di luar. 

Dalam minda nak juga hidang ala jelas makanan di tempat yang ada kehijauan untuk video, lebih baik estetiknya. Banyak masa terbuang sebab makanan diluar beg kertas, masukkan balik, bapa tak sabar nak makan. Jadi, saya turuti jer. 

Letak atas meja polos dan mereka makan serta merta, saya beli juga habuan kami, dah nampak mereka nak makan semua, beralah aja.

Semasa mereka makan, saya nampak keladi warna hijau putih (caladium). Itulah pokok keladi  di luar pagar. Ingat nak tanam dalam pasu dan jual. 

Mereka sambung makan hot cake yang asalnya dibeli untuk sendiri, saya masuk simpan bubur ayam di dalam sebab dengar nak makan nanti.  Terus ambil kesempatan video kucing yang mulanya sekor terkena gigit anjing, jaga bagi elok, ia takut pula nak keluar, di dalam lebih selamat. 

Big breakfast consists 



Scramble eggs


RM11.60 tanpa coffee

RM15. 60 dengan coffee

Saya kemudiannya nampak burung ayam-ayam dari dalam rumah, dan ambil juga video. 

Ok saya tinggal mereka untuk beli makanan tengahari, inshaAllah sambung di post akan datang, rasanya :) 

Salam Sabtu❤️

Keladi putih Caladium

Snipe (burung ayam-ayam) 


  1. Pobres perritos y rico desayuno. Te mando un beso

  2. makan sarapan di tepi kolam renang ke tu? kalau ibu bapa saya tak lalu sangat makan McD. Ibu bapa akak moden lagi

  3. So good of you to bring food for your parents and let them eat your food too. 👍 Thanks to your parents for taking care of all the Comel cats. Hope someone can take the dogs to safer places and spay them before re-home.

  4. Glad that you enjoyed the breakfast!

  5. Muy rico parece ese desayuno de Mc Donald...¡qué bueno que lo aprovechaste y lo invitaste a tus padres! también me gustan mucho los perritos aunque sean callejeros. Gracias por visitar mi blog. Un saludo desde Lima Perú.

  6. Glad you enjoyed getting breakfast for your parents-that would be a fun treat too. wow that is allot of stray dogs hoping they don't get into too much trouble.
    happy weekend hugs Kathy

  7. Saya takut kalau kawasan banyak anjing liar.
    Wah cantik kawasan luar rumah ibu bapa puan. Rasa seperti beraya di hutan.

  8. My parents kurang nak makan McD ni. Saja gtau. Huhuhu!

  9. Hope someone can take the dogs to safer places and spay them before re-home.

    Have nice week

  10. Senang drive thru je kan. Sesekali sarapan mereka lain sikit. Risau kalau lalu tempat banyak anjing ni. Dulu pernah kena kejar anjing masa bawak motor. Dari jauh nampak okay je. Bila dah dekat, dikejarnya.

  11. Burung ayam-ayam tu burung wak-wak kan?

  12. rider nak hantar macam kena standby pecut kaw-kaw bila sampai area situ

  13. Cantiknya kawasan rumah. Rasanya rider tu kena pakai kasut anti anjing. Kalau dia gigit kaki, kasut tu gigit anjing tu balik. hehehe

  14. Seronoknya dapat luang masa bersarapan dengan mereka dalam suasana begitu :)

  15. Sarapan pagi menu yang simple pun dh cukup kenyang sebagai alas perut
