

October 14, 2021

Soft boiled egg and Cucumber Juice | Telur separuh masak dan Jus Timun

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :)

English version and one minute video below:)

Breakfast with salami and eggs. Sarapan dengan salami dan telur

Makeover outdoor space | Ubah suai kawasan luar

Make over the space outside to sit comfortably.. Just move some furniture and put a small table. Hope it will be a place for everyone to sit, to have the outside air. 

Then come inside fixed breakfast with eggs. Last week we had steamed eggs. This week we had soft boiled eggs like the European had, that's how I remembered long time ago when I was there for an oil and gas exhibition. 

Since I bought a lot of cucumber and celery, I kept it in the freezer. I just blended with cherry tomatoes together for a refreshing juice drink  So refreshed it turns up to be. 

Happy Thurday❤️


Mengubah suai di bahagian luar sedikit supaya ada tempat duduk. Cuma ubah perabut dan letak meja kecil. Harap tempat ini menjadi tempat digemari semua untuk menikmati angin luar

Lepas mengubah sedikit di luar, masuk sediakan sarapan. Terlalu ringkas kerana hanya merebus telur. Dua minggu lepas kukus telur, Kali ni rebus separuh masak seperti orang barat makan seperti mana saya dihidangi, seingat saya semasa menghadiri exhibition oil and gas disana. 

Memang terbeli banyak timun dan celery, yang disejuk beku didalam peti ais. Lalu saya buat jus, dikisar dan di campur dengan tomato ceri. Alhamdulillah Jusnya sangat menyegarkan. 

Salam Khamis❤️

Throwback Thursday


  1. timun, celery & tomato - a good combination..healthy drink..

    makan2 di luar mmg nyaman especially di waktu pagi & petang..

  2. Tidak pernah minum jus daun seleri, timun dan tomato ceri.
    Suka telur separuh masak.

  3. Such a great looking dish! We love eggs, esp. the one with runny yolk :-)

  4. Look fabulous!. Tapi seringkas apa pun menu, time mood "M" melanda.. tak terbuat saya. Lagi2 kalau time tak sihat.

  5. suka juga telur direbus begitu. hidangan yang menarik dan berwarna-warni

  6. telur separuh masak lamanya tk mkn

  7. Uma publicação fantástica!! :))
    Numa árvore onde o silêncio se torna audaz
    Beijos, e excelente dia!

  8. Serving plates look great! Presentation looks great! Very healthy foods plate.

  9. Wow! Que fantástica publicação, amei!
    Tudo parece muito bom!

    Tenha um feliz dia!
    Um abraço

  10. Menu menyihatkan.
    Penuh khasiat.
    Kami selalu minum jus timun.

  11. Cucumber, celery and tomato juice drink is very healthy. Your very colourful breakfast plate is truly cafe breakfast standard. 👍

  12. so jummy:) a lot of vitamines and colors:)

  13. A very nice outdoor space to enjoy your delicious breakfast. Looks pretty and very healthy.

  14. Me encantan los huevos al vapor. Te mando un beso

  15. Ammi tak pernah buat any fruit/mix juices except jus peria&apple.

    Peria tu jus yg tka berapa nak Best lah kalau minum.. But its good for your digestion

  16. recipe untuk buat jus celery, kak.. bagaimana agar tak berbau celery seperti dalam masakan?

  17. Jus timun amat menyegarkan. Hidangan sarapannya menarik warna-warni :)

  18. Sesekali mengubah perabot ni macam feel mood baru. Pernah nampak orang buat jus timun dan celery. Teringin nak mencuba celery dan apple hijau tapi belum tercapai lagi. Hihi...
