

October 27, 2021

Nuggets with mushroom spinach | Nuget bercendawan bayam

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :)

English version and one minute video below :)

First off, cut apple | Mula dengan potong buah epal

It's not ingredient but start cutting it gives spirit booster :)

Bukan bahan tapi semasa memotongnya menggalakkan semangat :)

Not sure how I blog, receiving good or sad news, I just moved to food. Is it called suppression or privacy is in another corner. 

I went on with blog, food and travel, on the side events happening I didn't even mentioned, because some of me are too good to be true and some are too regular to bother. 

Some mornings I received calls to do favour, some I received rewards. Both made me grateful. 

Ok back to my breakfast, adik wanted to have nuggets, so I pan fried some, divided equally between me and others. 

I stirred fry spinach and put it on top of chicken nuggets.  It looked like finger food but fulfillings. I got full with two portion with mixed fruit salad.  

The ingredients were:

Two nuggets

Mixed mayo





Plus coffee.:)

That's the breakfast I had, not much but satisfying. 

Ease and Peace Wednesday❤️

P.S. video was not done nicely as I experimented many ways. Sorry. 

Tak pastilah bagaimana memblog ni, menerima berita baik atau sedih, saya berganjak ke makanan. Adakah ini memendam rasa atau simpan di sudut hati peribadi. 

Saya teruskan blog makanan dan jalan-jalan, disamping ada perkara berlaku kerana sebahagian yang terjadi bagai terlalu indah untuk dinyatakan dan setengah tu terlalu biasa nak kisah. 

Ada hari, terima panggil untuk berbakti, ada pagi, menerima rezeki tak disangka-sangka, dua-dua membuat saya bersyukur. 

Ok berbalik ke sarapan, adik mahukan nuget, saya goreng sikit, bahagikan untuk beberapa kepala. 

Juga bayam digoreng dan letak di atas nuget ayam. Nampak macam makanan jejari tapi mengenyangkan. Alhamdulillah, kenyang dengan dua biji nuget dan salad buah campur di tepi.

Bahan adalah:

Nuget ayam

Mayo campur





Termasuklah kopi :) 

Itulah sarapan yang pernah dimakan, tak banyak tapi puas hati. 

Rabu yang damai ❤️

PS: Video tak berapa elok sebab  cuba uji buat berbagai cara. Maaf. 


  1. bagi sesetengah orang, blog adalah escapism. tempat melupakan sejenak masalah peribadi

  2. It looks like a very pleasant meal!

  3. I see that you are practicing to make videos, so I dare to tell you not to move the camera too much. You must leave it still for a few seconds in front of what you want to show. I was once recommended to hold the camera for 8 seconds before moving on to another shot.
    I hope you have understood.
    Sometimes it is very difficult to explain something practical

  4. Blog ni bagi saya tempat berkongsi. Kita boleh berkongsi, semoga dapat beri manfaat pada orang lain jugak :)

  5. Se ven muy ricos los Nuggets y tranquila por lo del video. Te mando un beso

  6. Your dish sounds delicious happy midweek

  7. I like your video. Very spontaneous. Can see big green tree in the beginning which is very soothing to the eyes. Thank you for the idea of putting spinach and mushroom on top of chicken nuggets as finger food. Looks pretty and very convenient to eat.

  8. Practise make perfect. Lama lama nanti video akak bertambah baik. Mood berblog ada pasang surut ada baik buruk. kita corakkan dia untuk jadi positif :)

    Sedap je hidangan nugget, sayur dan buah :)
