

October 6, 2021

Farmhouse DIY Decor with a can | Dekor DIY Rumah Ladang dengan tin

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :)

English version and one minute video below :)

Make up an empty milk can | Mencantikkan sikit tin susu kosong

Put by the table lamp | Letak ia di tepi lampu meja

Just to show adik what and how to recycle some of the things. Love to hoard some or donate.  Usually I hoarded or transit things to a  place in the house, then only give them to the people who collected recycle scraps.  I love things, it's kinda hard to let go of anything, everything has a potential of becoming useful somewhere in my perspective. 

I've been to the Eco shop; where almost all things inside the store have a RM2 price tag. I couldn't resist to buy fake flowers. I am not a fan of plastic flowers, but real flowers come and go faster before you could enjoy them; So.. these fakey came in handy. 

So for this DIY project, there were 5 items:

    1. Rope - natural brown or white           would looked good. 

    2. Can - size up to you. 

    3. Glue

    4. Flowers

    5. Label sticker (farmhouse style) 

Apply glue around the tin can and go around it with the rope string til the whole can is covered. Stick the labeling sticker to your liking. And it's completed on the decoration part. Of course the next thing to do was arranging the flowers inside, which you can do as per your creativity flow.

Just love that farmhouse look style. It's simple to make and it make use of the recycle items. Actually you can also pick real flowers and dry them and use them to add the farmhouse elements. 

Thats it for  today's art session. Welcome for the next segment :) Thank you

Love you all ❤️

Hanya berkongsi dengan adik cara menguna pakai bahan kitar semula untuk sesetengah benda. 

Suka menyimpan, sayang nak buang. Kadang beri kepada jiran, kadang transit satu tempat di dalam rumah, baru bawa keluar. 

Suka semua barang, nampak saja setiap benda tu ada banyak pontensinya, ikut perspektif minda. 

Pergi ke kedai eco, yang mana hampir semua barang barang nya berharga RM2 serba satu; Tak boleh tahan, nak beli bunga. Sebenarnya tak gemar bunga plastik pun. Bunga segar selalunya melayukan diri sebelum dapat dinikmati. Jadi.. akar pun berguna kan.. 

Untuk DIY ni, ada lima bahan

1.Tali - kalau boleh yang warna natural coklat atau putih. 

 2.Tin kosong - sais ikut suka



 5. Stiker label berkonsep Rumah           Ladang

Sapu gam disekeliling  tin susu kosong. Lilit hingga penuh tertutup tin. Lekat stiker label di tengah tin. Letak bunga di dalamnya ikut minda kreatif masing masing, siap dah. 

Rasa menarik berelemen rumah ladang. Ringkas, guna kembali dari barang kitar semula. Cuma bunga plastik kurang sesuai, lebih elok ambil bunga betul, keringkan dan gunakan untuk menambah elemen rumah ladang. 

Itu saja sesi seni kali ini. Jemput ke segmen baru nanti :) Terima kasih. 

Sayang semua ❤️


  1. Kreatif dan menarik hasilnya

  2. Publicação maravilhosa!! :))
    Enquanto a solidão me perseguir...
    Votos de um dia feliz. Beijos

  3. That's a fun project made with your kids.

  4. konsep cottage..DIY lebih menarik apa lagi kalau dilakukan bersama yang tersayang

  5. A great way to recycle. Very pretty!

  6. Um projeto muito bom! Excelente publicação!

    Uma boa noite de paz!

  7. Thanks for sharing this.

    All the best Jan

  8. I agree with your view that "everything has a potential of becoming useful somewhere". Hope your daughter enjoyed doing this craft with you! Very good use of this milk can and the resulting pot of flowers is very lovely.

  9. Te quedo genial eres muy habil. Te mando un beso

  10. kreatif! Good idea buat decoration. Guna glass jar pun cantik kak.

  11. Great idea! It looks very elegant and cozy :-)

  12. Cantiknya hasil upcycle tin tu :)
