

October 1, 2021

Avocado drink with Tuna Salad Toasts | Minuman Avocado dengan Roti bakar Salad Tuna

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :)

English version and one minute video below:)

Green day, breakfast vege with green chillies

One Avocado with milk, see how many glasses should be getting 

/ sebiji avocado berapa gelas boleh dapat (sukatan cawan di bawah) 

Breakfast again, as usually I was thinking of something lowcarb, more green but can't really escape the carb (bread). 

Since in the fridge, there were green chillies and tuna in the drawer. I prepared them as bread topping. So green and spiced with chillies, fishy colored camouflage savagely. 

There was one an only avocado, I felt like having it to absorb all the nutrients in body. Eating it with bread, I had made it before. With the salad breakfast, I doubted if it alone could not fufill the hunger. 

So I came with the idea to make it as a smoothie drink. I usually love juice mix with water for economic sake of cost but for that day, I wanted it to be creamy instead; So, I add milk, shivering hand while pouring hehe.. 

Avocado smoothie drink simple preps:

A whole avocado fruit

1 glass of water 

1 glass of milk

Put in mixer

Pour out 

= 3 glasess of avocado smoothie. 

Creamy and fillings. It tasted naturally delicious and nutritious. I planned to eat lowcarb food, beginning today hehe.. (old story told before ehh? ) Try try.. 

Love greetings❤️

Bersarapan lagi, seperti biasa, memikirkan juadah yang rendah karbo, lebih hijau tapi tak terdaya pula mengelakkan karbo yang biasa (roti). 

Dah ada dalam peti sejuk, cili hijau dan tin tuna di dalam laci plastik. Saya sediakan semua tu sebagai 'topping' menutupi roti. Hijau teramat pedas rasa macam tak rasa, tenggelam dalam warna, ternampak sikit tekstur ikannya sekali. 

Ada sebiji avocado semangga-mangga. Rasa nak buat  yang lebih menyerap semua nutrisinya kedalam tubuh.

Makan dengan roti dah cuba. Buat salad, curiga ia akan boleh mengenyangkan. Jadi timbul buah fikiran, nak buat minuman 'smoothie'. Biasanya suka jus yang bercampur air demi kos ekonomi juga, tapi kali ini nakkan yang lemak berkrim, tambahla susu dengan tangan menggigil hehe.. 

Minuman avocado mudah persediaannya:

Sebiji buah avocado

1 gelas air

1 gelas susu

Campur dalam mixer

dan tuang smoothie avokad; dapat 3 gelas semuanya. 

Berkrim dan mengenyangkan. Sedap rasa semulajadi dan enak bernutrisi. InshaAllah, Saya rancang menjamah rendah karbo mulai hari ini hehe.. (macam pernah dengar je) 

Salam sayang ❤️


  1. We love avocados! They are so tasty and good for us. You feed your family well :-)

  2. Bestnya dapat minum jus avokado yg fresh

  3. Ammi pun slalu ckp I wanna skip rice.. skip rice over and over but still hmmmm

  4. belum pernah minum smoothie avocado. idea yang menarik

  5. Hehehe x suka avocado... Tp tuna salad nyummmm!!!

  6. Aqui em casa adoramos abacates. além de saborosos e muito pra saúde.

    Tenha um feliz mês de "Outubro"!
    Que venha recheado de coisas boas, saúde, paz e muitas felicidades, para você e sua família.

    Tenha um bom fim de semana.
    Um abraço

  7. I like to eat avocado so I am sure your avocado milk drink is very tasty 😋. Love your video of the bird on the green plants. Like national geographic show. I cannot eat that spicy spicy green chili as I cannot stand the pedas 🔥🥵

  8. Sedapnya jus avocado. Rasa lemak lemak susu dan lemak avocado.

  9. Kat indon jus alpukat menjadi kegemaran kawan-kawan. Saya ngendeng kat kawan yang order tapi tak suka sebab dia punya rasa pekat melekat kat tekak. Jus epal hijau campur asam boi...sedap walah hehehehe
