

September 11, 2021

Turnover Pancake | Apam Balik

Bahasa dan video seminit  di bawah :) 

English version and one minute  video below:) 

Buat kecil dengan harapan boleh balikkan | make tiny cake so the corn topping dont glide out when half turn over

Biar masak  | Let it cook so easy to turn it half

"Apam" means pancake whilst "balik" means turnover so turnover pancake or peanut sweet corn with sugar topping pancake. 

I saw in foodpanda delivery that Apam balik or turnover pancake is being sold but decided to make my own. 

I tried to make turnover pancake before and failed at folding them in half, perhaps the mixture was too runny. The corn, sugar and nuts spilled over to the pan, fast enough to caramelized turned brown, smell burnt. The pan needs to be cleaned first to start all over. 

This time I decided to turn it over after it has been cooked and on the plate not on the pan. The below pancake looks like over cooked but its crunchy of the margerine that I used. It tastes good, soft inside creamy of the sweet corn. 

The recipe I took from the website 'elmundoeats' but modified a bit. Instead of using 1 cup of all purpose flour, I used self raising flour instead. 

Turnover pancake turned out very good and delicious, after adik left the kitchen as she was full, I tried making round shaped since I already got the hang of it, hehe. 

If you happened to have dry yeast should give it a try yeast do give it an asian taste. I think :) 

Love greetings❤️

Apam tu seakan kek, bancuhannya juga serupa cuma kaedah masaknya lain. Ia perlu ditutup semasa ia dimasak. Balik kan itu sebenarnya melipat dari tengah. Biar berbuih dan isinya memecah gelembung tu, boleh bubuh isinya iaitu gula pasir, kacang tumbuk dan jagung dan akhirnya barulah boleh balikkan separuh. 

Saya nampak Foodpanda ada jual Apam balik tapi rasa hendak cuba buat sendiri. 

Saya pernah buat apam balik dahulu sebelum ni tetapi masa nak balikkan separuh tu, isi jagung gula tu terkeluar ke pan lalu jadi gula hangus, berbau hangit jadi kena cuci dulu sebelum mula tuang bancuhan lain. 

Kali ini saya nak balikkan di pinggan bukan di pan. Di bahagian bawah apam tu terlalu masak warnanya kerana marjerin yang digunakan untuk masak. Gelap tapi rangup, lembut di dalam, berkrim isinya. lazat keseluruhannya.

Saya ambil resepi ini dari laman 'elmundoeats' . Tetapi saya ubah suai sikit di mana saya guna tepung naik sendiri sahaja tak campur tepung gandum biasa.

Apam balik yang dibuat ini Alhamdulillah menjadi, selepas adik tinggalkan dapur, katanya dah kenyang, saya cuba pula buat bulat biasa pula, sebab rasa dah dapat agak bila nak balikkan separuh tu.

Kalau dirumah ada yis, bolehla cuba buat, kerana bahan yis tu yang membuat rasa asian tu, puas dan tak muak. Saya rasa la :)

Salam keluarga Malaysia ❤️🇲🇾


  1. Há quem bata as claras à parte, em castelo!:) Adoro panquecas .))
    Viajo nas palavras, por águas quietas...
    Votos de um excelente fim de semana.

  2. I love to eat this apam balik. I watched your video but I didn't see the part you turn your apam?

    1. I formed the two square apams together but took out the scene as the color looked so burnt. Yes one apam turned on another on a plate. Thank you Mun :)

    2. Thank you for the reply. oh, you removed that scene, ok ok. 👌Stay safe! :)

  3. My husband loves both pancake and sweet corn...this is definitely something for his breakfast!

  4. Skill menterbalikkan kuih macam ni kureng sikit, jadi tak pernah buat sendiri apam balik.

  5. Masa PKP last year adik ada buat apam balik. Kita tukang tengok dan makan je. :)

  6. Rajinnnn buat apam balik sendiri, saya biasa beli je sebab pernah buat haritu, tak berapa menjadi >.<

  7. Rajin akak buat apam balik. Siap guna acuan lagi. Sedap juga effect crunchy luaran tu.

  8. Dari kecil lagi sudah diperkenalkan dengan apam balik. Kemudian apabila dewasa, terjumpa pula apam balik nipis, rangup jew sewaktu dikunyah. Pernah buat apambbalik beberapa kali. Puas makan.

  9. Hehe kena praktis untuk terbalikkan apam.
