

September 27, 2021

Multigrains Mix for Adik's breakie | Campuran Bijirin untuk Sarapan adik

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :)

English version and one minute video below :)

Demo for her to use hot water |  tampil cara penggunaan air panas

She only observed | Dia cuma lihat saja caranya

She found its hard to make warm cereal for herself. I assumed because the mix needs heating up water and pour to the bowl. She was used to water machine, not to kettle. 

She has to adapt with what we have and make the best out of it. She saw we had oats that morning and wanted similar as she prefers cereal mix than oats.  

Adik and abang used to make warm cereal on their own, recently due to MCO we didn't have the service people to service the hot, cold and room temp water filtration machine. Luckily we have a better filtration machine that has ultra violet to kill the germs but with the minerals remain intact. Its ok for mineral we drink milk or juice. 

Adik only looked how to boil water hehe. Then its ready for her to have a delicious Nestum cereal without sugar but with raisins and apples. What do you have for breakfast, do you like  multi grains from Nestum by Nestle? 

Happy Monday ❤️

Adik rasa susah untuk nak buat bijirin panas.  Mungkin kerana perlukan proses memasak air dan tuang ke mangkuk. Adik biasa dengan mesin pemanas air tapi bukan dengan cerek letrik.

Adik perlu menyesuaikan diri dan buat sebaik mungkin dengan apa yang ada dirumah. Hari itu kami makan oats dan adik pun mahu seperti itu, tapi adik lebih minat campuran bijirin. 

Adik dan abang pernah buat bancuhan bijirin suam sendiri. Sejak MCO tiada dibenarkan membuat servis mesin penapis air. Alhamdulillah ada satu lagi mesin penapis yang berultra violet. Ia lebih bagus kerana ada lampu ultra biru membunuh kuman jadi mineral di dalam air tetap ada. Apapun untuk dapat mineral boleh minum susu dan jus kan. 

Kali ni adik cuma tengok dulu cara masak air hehe. Dah siap dapatla dia menikmati sarapan yang sihat dan sedap iaitu bijirin penuh dari berjenama Nestum di letak kismis dan potongan epal. Sedap dan elok untuk penghadaman. Kalian suka Nestum? Kalian bersarapan apa hari ni? 


Salam Isnin❤️


  1. We usually have fresh fruit and homemade bread for the breakfast. My husband eats oats with raisins and milk occasionally though.

  2. Suka letak nestum dalam air kopi susu.
    Betul sedap kalau buat panas.

  3. Sedap juga sesekali menikmati bijiran panas selain letak air susu sejuk. Berselera adik makan. Waktu macam ni kena juga belajar buat sesuatu yang luar dari kebiasaan.

  4. I used to eat Nestum a lot when I was young. Good that you use the equipment with uv for water. 👍

  5. Saya suka nestum. Banyak juga guna nestum selain dicampur dalam minuman boleh dijadikan bahan adunan biskut atau dijadikan serbuk salut kerepek popia.

  6. My kids love all kind of cereals.. But they take it for their teatime instead of for breakfast
