

September 19, 2021

Half Fried rice / Nasi Goreng Separuh

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :)

English version and one minute video below :) 

Menunggu kedatangannya  |  Waited for it

Whole heartedly wanted to eat | Sepenuh hati nak nasi goreng

Late evening I discovered that I am hungry and craving for fried rice. I ordered late and waited at dusk. Expecting a fox but it didn't turn up. 

Still love if a kangaroo come at the window like in the photo, but this will only happen down under. 

After entering the house, I had to go for the dusk prayers. Somehow I felt full at sudden, so I kept it nicely in the fridge.

Enjoyed the night by watching a list of the writers movies:

    1. Goodbye Christopher Robin

    2. Can you ever Forgive me

  3. Documentary about writer of movie Luca

Based on true stories. 

When the sun rises up the next morning, then only I got 'willy' hungry and yet need to share, that was the dilema moment. I sacrificed ':) 

Happy Sunday❤️

Dah hujung petang baru nak buat keputusan untuk melangkah masuk ke alam mengenyangkan untuk sepinggan nasi goreng. Kerana terlewat order terpaksalah tunggu waktu maghrib. Harap harap musang menjelma tapi tak nampak batang hidungnya. 

Lebih suka kalau kanggaru seperti dalam gambar tu menjelma ikut tingkap, tapi ini hanya boleh berlaku kat 'down under / Australia' kan..

Lepas dapat makanan, saya terus masuk solat maghrib dulu. Tetiba rasa kenyang pulak dan tak jadi nak makan. Jadi masuk kan bungkusan tu dalam peti ais.

Semalaman, saya sekeluarga menonton cerita tentang kisah penulis seperti:

    1. Goodbye Christopher Robin

    2. Forgive me

    3. Dokumentari tentang     penulis cerita Luca

filem berdasarkan kisah benar tentang penulis-penulis. 

Bila tiba keesokan harinya, saya rasa teramat lapar, tapi terpaksa berkongsi separuh. Dilema jugak, tapi tetap berkorban ':) 

Nikmati RahmatNya❤️


  1. hehheheh slalu tgh lapar, kadang ssh gak nk berkongsi makanan :p

  2. Hehe boleh pula tiba-tiba kenyang lepas lapar.

  3. Sebut nasi goreng, teringin nasi goreng pedas2..

  4. It has been years since I last had some Nasi Goreng. Yours looks so good and has me crave some now.

  5. Good of you to share your fried rice with your family when you craved to eat it the day before. What type of fried rice did you order? I like petai fried rice.

    1. Nasi goreng not spicy. I love petai fried rice too. Thanks Mun.

    2. Welcome! I would also like nasi goreng not spicy.

  6. Bila lapar lepas tu kene kongsi mmg mencabar perasaan sungguh

  7. Sebut nasi goreng, teringin pulak nak makan nasi goreng.

  8. betul lah. kdg2 lapar nak makan terus, tapi bila buat aktiviti lagi,terus tak rasa lapar pulak.

  9. Goodbye Christopher Robin tu antara filem favourite saya.

  10. Seronok juga tiba tiba ada kanggaru menjengah tingkap. Tapi takut juga kalau dia agresif. Boleh pulak tiba tiba tak rasa lapar kan. hihi.. Rezeki untuk esok hari.
