

July 28, 2021

Tomato Juice| Senam Regangan


Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah :) 

English version and one minute video below :) 

Buah tak cukup, nak buat jus

Senam regangan yang mencabar terpaksa selindung:)) 

Been missing so much of buying juice from outside. Think of this cafe and thought of that shop. Its a blessing indisguise that I suppose to upgrade and update my skills first and foremost. Previously i used to buy collagen supplements, but then Im trying to take the fresh food, and let the body do the work to develop collagen. The body needs collagen for joints not to mention as well as for supple skin. The supplements taken works when the body move a lot like walking, jogging or stretching. As long as the body warms up for smooth blood circulation. It is always better to make a point to exercise at the same spot is also possible as in the video. . Stretch out limbs sync with breathing could warms body up for good blood circulation. Actually wanted to make juice right, so opened the fridge, saw only one orange left, opened the vege's drawer. saw tomatoes. Took two tomatoes, the one and only orange and a glass of water. Cut the fruits in small size as the juicer required, pour water and blend. The whole mix will get 2 glasses of juice. For exercise, start brisk walking then proceed to jogging, slow but surely will get thd hang of it. Or do stretching like in the video, one spot exercise but need strong focusing... 

Love ourself, love others

Kerinduan membeli jus juga menjadi-jadi. Ingat kedai tu kedai ni, jadi lebih baik buat sendiri, hikmah pkp biar istiqomah dalam memajukan kemahiran diri. Dulu beli supplemen berkollagen, sekarang cuba makan yang segar, biar badan membuat kolagen. Kolagen elok untuk dalaman iaitu sendi-sendi.

Keanjalan kulit pun perlu kolagen. Makan supplemen pun kalau tak bersenam, peredaran darah kurang lancar pun tiada gunanya. Seeloknya  bersenam ringan atau buat regangan seiring pernafasan  dapat memanaskan badan, inshaAllah. 

Sebetulnya nak buat jus kan.. Buka peti sejuk tak ada pula buah, cuma sebiji buah oren, lihat dalam laci sayuran ada buah tomato. 

Ambil segelas air, 2 biji tomato dan sebiji buah oren.  Potong jika perlu bergantung kepada mesin juicer la. Lepastu masukkan semua potongan tadi dan masuk air mesin. Dapat dua gelas. Ngam ngam.. Berkenaan  bersenam tu, boleh mula berjalan perlahan dulu, berganjak ke laju sedikit hehe atau buat stretching reganng dalam video. Regangan setempat tapi perlu fokus yang kuat...

Sayang diri, sayang semua.. 


  1. Gabungan buah dan sayuran. Lebih raasa oren atau tomato kak? Saya belum cuba lagi jus buah campur sayur. Risau rasa tertelan pulak. huhu

    1. Rasa fruity juga, rasa oren lebih.. Bole cuba sis..

  2. Haah guna apa sahaja yang ada. Saya lagi suka makan tomato mentah. Hehe.

  3. tak pernah try tp mst sedap rasanya

  4. Mari kita ajar badan hasilkan kolagen sendiri.

    1. Jom, bergantung kepada permakanan..
