

July 27, 2021

Karipap's fillings / Inti Ayam

Bahasa dan video seminit di bawah:) English version and one minute video below:)

Video legend masa pertama kali buat karipap 

Masak intinya, proses kulitnya, adoi sado terus kejap.. 

Homemade Chicken Puff fillings recipe was modified to the steak taste. The taste is similar to pie's fillings. The most delicious ever tasted. The crust was mix unmixed like pie pastry. The texture was perfect but hard handling. When frying the crust, it tends to break. So replacing from butter to margerine, back to brand, comes another are the caused. Usually when the process of puff begins, plans made. When the fillings done, continue with the crust. The crust need to be made by small batches ad small quantity is easy to knead, roll flat not time consuming. Having few reacts like appetizer before the main course, tendency to look for more but theres none left.  The solution is to make it as often, so its not awe as first, second or third. Tips : It is better to dice small chicken meat then use minced. As it tastes better as ths juice comes out while munching and grind it. 

250gm ayam kisar

10 pcs garlic

1 big onion diced

Salt as to taste

Carrot 1 medium size, diced 

Ginger 2 in (mash) 

Pepper to taste

Italian herbs

1 potato diced small. 

Fry in a pan or pot. 

May we count our blessing. 

Karipap homemade ni dimodified rasanya ala steak. Citarasanya yang seakan pie. Memang tersedap yang pernah rasa. Kulit karipap diolah resepi campur-campur macam pie. Teksturnya ranggup tapi mengendalikannya agak sukar. Bila digoreng mudah pecah. Jadi ditukar mentega ke majerin dan jenama juga menjadi asbab. Biasa perancangan dibuat, sebelum karipap dimula, buat intinya dulu, kulitnya kemudian. Kulitnya juga dibuat secara kecil-kecilan, sebab kecil quantiti ulinya lebih mudah, canainya sekejap. Makannya bagai pembuka selera (appetizer). Nak lagi dah habis sekelip mata. Solusinya selalu  buat jadi mangli...  Tips: daging ayam dipotong dadu lebih sensasi bila digigit dari daging kisar,  tak rasa sangat bila pepak. 

250gm ayam mince neat

10 ulas bawang putih

Bawang besar potong dadu

Garam secukup rasa

Carrot 1 sedang2, potong dadu

Halia agak 2 inci (tumbuk) , lada hitam secukup rasa

Italian herbs

Kentang 1 biji, potong dadu, 

Masak dalam pan atau pot pun ok je. 

Moga kita syukuri nikmatnya. 


  1. Sedap ni, nanti kita nak cuba....

  2. Bahan juga memainkan peranan. Better guna marjerin ye. Bab karipap saya surrender dulu. Tak pandai buat kulitnya. Intinya okay lagi lah

  3. Menarik ini inti karipap ialah inti pai. Suka inti pai.

  4. Belum pernah buat sendiri. Tangan kurang menjadi kalau kuih yang renyah begini
